
Member Pipeline - Board Information - AMSA Strategic Plan

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Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies
Strategic Plan
Adopted July 26, 1992/Amended September 23, 1993/
Amended February 3, 1994/Amended July 17, 1998

Mission Statement

The mission of AMSA is to lead the nation’s publicly owned wastewater management agencies in the development and implementation of scientifically based, technically sound and cost-effective environmental programs for protecting public and ecosystem health.

Association Goals

  1. To effectively represent its members in the federal legislative process
  2. To effectively represent its members in the federal regulatory process
  3. To promote and enhance the effective management of member agencies.
  4. To effectively represent the environmental ethic and accomplishments of the wastewater community through public information and outreach
  5. To effectively support its members in interactions with regions and states in the implementation of national legislative and regulatory initiatives
  6. To effectively represent its members through the judicial process in support of AMSA’s mission
  7. To work actively to retain existing members and recruit new members in support of its overall mission


Objectives as Related to the Goals

I. To effectively represent its members in the federal legislative process

  1. A. Develop proactive positions on key issues in support of technically, scientifically, and environmentally sound, cost-effective laws.
  2. Ensure member representation in all States and Congressional districts
  3. Encourage and support greater member participation in the legislative process
  4. Encourage Congress to use member agency data and expertise in crafting legislation
  5. Build coalitions with other organizations on key legislative issues
  6. Maximize use of the Technical Action Fund to support program initiatives
  7. Facilitate development of sound legislation through meetings with Members of Congress and staff, conferences, workshops and strategy sessions
  8. Continue and enhance AMSA’s Congressional oversight/interaction
  9. Prioritize staff resources and optimize use of technology and communication tools to strengthen legislative activities

II. To effectively represent its members in the federal regulatory process

  1. Develop positions and policies supporting promulgation of technically, scientifically and environmentally sound, cost effective regulations
  2. Encourage and support greater member participation in the regulatory process
  3. Facilitate implementation of regulatory requirements through technical conferences, specialty workshops and guidance material
  4. Encourage regulatory agencies to use member agency data and expertise in developing regulations
  5. Build coalitions with other organizations on key regulatory issues
  6. Maximize use of the Technical Action Fund to support program initiatives
  7. Continue and enhance AMSA’s federal agency oversight/interaction
  8. Prioritize staff resources and optimize use of technology and communication tools
    to strengthen regulatory and technical program

III. To promote and enhance the effective management of member agencies

  1. Identify emerging management issues affecting publicly owned treatment works
  2. Provide management education and training through conferences and workshops
  3. Develop useful, timely, and informative publications as a resource to the publicly owned treatment works community
  4. Maximize use of the Technical Action Fund to support program initiatives
  5. Prioritize staff resources and optimize use of technology and communication tools

IV. To effectively represent the environmental ethic and accomplishments of the wastewater community through public information and outreach

  1. Present a positive image of AMSA and wastewater utilities
  2. Provide increased visibility for the Association’s overall outreach efforts and strengthen implementation of AMSA marketing initiatives
  3. Educate the public on the important role played by POTWs in efforts to improve water quality
  4. Support professional development of member agency public affairs staffs
  5. Prioritize staff resources and optimize use of technology and communication tools

V. To effectively support its members in interactions with regions and states in the implementation of national legislative and regulatory initiatives

  1. Seek opportunities for increased AMSA presence and involvement in regions and states
  2. Bring AMSA to its members, and nonmember publicly owned treatment works, through regional caucus meetings
  3. Foster increased collaboration with state-level publicly owned treatment works organizations
  4. Build stronger ties with EPA regional offices and administrators
  5. Prioritize staff resources and optimize use of technology and communication tools

VI. To effectively represent its members through the judicial process in support of AMSA’s mission

  1. Provide opportunity for member agency attorneys to meet on a regular basis to exchange information
  2. Utilize member agency attorneys to support activities
  3. Monitor issues of concern to membership and initiate or participate in litigation as appropriate
  4. Maximize use of the Technical Action Fund to support program initiatives
  5. Prioritize staff resources and optimize use of technology and communication tools

VII. To work actively to retain existing members and recruit new members in support of its
overall mission

  1. Sustain and enhance communication and outreach on key issues affecting membership
  2. Implement comprehensive membership development campaign
  3. Continue to improve and enhance AMSA’s web site and promote member agency use
  4. Increase AMSA’s visibility nationally through outreach initiatives