
AMSA Legislative Alert LA04-5

Member Pipeline - Legislative - Alert (LA04-5)

To: Members & Affiliates,
Clean Water Funding Task Force, Legislative Policy Committee
From: National Office
Date: November 22, 2004
Subject: The Clean & Safe Water Trust Fund Act of 2005
Reference: LA04-5
Attachments: - Trust Fund Bill Overview (PDF)
- Clean and Safe Water Trust Fund Act of 2005 (PDF)

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Action Please By:
December 10, 2004

The AMSA Clean Water Funding Task Force met last week via teleconference call to discuss draft legislation that would create a federal trust fund to provide financial assistance to communities to achieve the goals of the Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water Acts. Task Force members also received an overview of the economic analyses of several revenue options that are under consideration to finance the trust fund. The Task Force, which has funded this legislative initiative, has approved the release of an early draft of the trust fund bill for review and comment.

The draft legislation is the result of a long-term cooperative effort that began with the founding of the Water Infrastructure Network (WIN) in 1999. The two attached documents, The Clean & Safe Water Trust Fund Act of 2005 (Trust Fund Act) and the accompanying bill overview, are being sent to AMSA members, WIN member organizations and other stakeholder groups for review and response by December 10. The draft bill is an evolving project and all elements of the draft are tentative and subject to further review.

The Trust Fund Act was drafted in response to the overwhelming financial needs of local wastewater and water utilities and the lack of available federal funds in the U.S. general treasury to fund existing clean water programs. It is especially timely due to the steady erosion of the federal government’s commitment to clean water in America. This was reinforced by Congressional passage November 20th of a 15 percent cut to EPA’s clean water state revolving fund program in the omnibus appropriations bill.

The draft bill takes its cue from existing laws passed by Congress that established trust funds supported by dedicated taxes for other critical national infrastructure sectors. These laws support the nation’s highways, airports and harbors through trust funds.

How to Respond
AMSA encourages you to read the bill overview and the Trust Fund Act and send your comments by December 10, 2004 to Lee Garrigan at or by fax to 202/833-4657.

Your response will provide valuable input for the next draft of the legislation that will be reviewed by the AMSA Clean Water Funding Task Force in mid-December.
