

This monthly AMSA Update provides summary information on introduced legislation and includes current status and related AMSA activities. Key Legislative Listings are bills either receiving considerable attention or of specific importance to AMSA. While basic background information will be reprinted in subsequent Updates, new developments will be shown in italics each month. As an additional point of reference, new bills will also appear italicized in the index.

This Update includes legislation under the following subject headings:

Key Legislative Listings:

  • Clean Water Act & Other Water Quality Issues
  • Clean Air Act Amendments
  • Nonpoint Sources/Watershed Management
  • Government Reform
  • Biosolids Management/Interstate Transportation Initiatives/Solid Waste Disposal
  • Energy & Electricity Reform
  • Funding & Appropriations
  • Superfund/CERCLA/RCRA
  • Safe Drinking Water Act
  • Environmental Crimes & Citizen Suits
  • Miscellaneous Municipal Issues

The up-to-the-minute status of any of the legislation listed in the Update can be obtained by calling: U.S. Congress, Legislative Status Office at 202/225-1772. Copies of House and Senate Bills, Committee Reports and laws are available from The Senate Document Room, SH-B04 Hart Building, Washington, DC 20510, 202/224-7860, or The House Document Room, U.S. Capitol H226, Washington, DC 20515, 202/226-5200. You may obtain one free copy of up to 6 items, for any one request you make.

All of the legislation referenced in AMSA's Updates and Alerts is available online through the Library of Congress site located at Copies of legislation, committee reports and status reports can be downloaded from the site free of charge.