
To: Members & Subscribers
From: National Office
Date:October 24, 1997 (current to October 20, 1997)

The National Office is pleased to provide you with the October 1997 Legislative Update. Following are instruction on how to use this Update, as well as a listing of those bills currently being tracked by the National Office. To streamline the Update, we have moved all legislation that we are tracking that hasn't seen significant action (i.e. committee hearing, mark-up, floor debate) in the past six months to the section of the Update labeled "Abbreviated Listings." The Legislative Update is a monthly service of the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies.

Congress voted to extend fiscal year 1997 from October 1 to October 23, in a move that allows legislators more time to come to consensus -- among themselves and with the administration-- on some sticky funding issues. To avoid a threatened veto, $650 million was added to legislation funding the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to fund cleanups at Superfund sites. Release of the money is contingent on reauthorization of Superfund by May 15, 1998. Under the bill headed for approval, EPA will be funded at $7.4 billion for FY'98. It is expected that the clean water state revolving fund will be approved at $1.25 billion and the safe drinking water state revolving fund will total $750 million.

Senator Tom Daschle, Minority Leader of the U.S. Senate, spoke today during a meeting of the American Water Works Association's Water Council. Senator Daschle spoke about Congressional progress on several pieces of environmental legislation. He stated that he felt that the Endangered Species Act would be reauthorized this year and that Superfund and regulatory reform legislation would pass this Congress. Senator Daschle also noted the important relationship between the federal government and state and local government in promoting protection of the environment. He stated that Congress "acknowledges a fundamental financial partnership as it works with state and local government" to promote positive environmental change.

The National Office will continue to keep members informed of all significant developments through Legislative Alerts and monthly Updates. If you have any questions regarding any legislative initiatives, please contact Paula Dannenfeldt (202/833-4654) or Christy Kettell (202/833-3692).

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