
To: Members & Affiliates
From: National Office
Date: October 25, 2000
Reference: MU 00-8

As part of the Association’s public and government affairs outreach activities, AMSA has worked with many of its Water Infrastructure Network partner organizations to produce a special supplement to the nation’s most widely read publication for engineering professionals, McGraw-Hill’s Engineering News-Record (ENR). Investing in America: A National Imperative to Fund our Critical Water Infrastructure Needs tackles one of the most daunting environmental priorities of the 21st century – adequately funding America’s water infrastructure to assure continued public health and environmental improvement. AMSA’s special supplement to ENR appears in its October 16, 2000 issue.

Increased federal funding for municipal wastewater infrastructure is a major priority for the Association. AMSA and the Water Infrastructure Network will use the publication to help build support for WATER 21 in the 107th Congress, and every lawmaker on Capitol Hill will receive a copy.

Articles from AMSA and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the bipartisan House Water Infrastructure Caucus, the engineering community and water industry leaders examine the themes and frame the issues the nation will confront as it seeks to meet the clean and safe water needs of the new millennium, reaching an estimated 425,000 readers.

AMSA members are encouraged to use the publication to educate decision-makers and the public on America’s water infrastructure needs. Contact the National Office at 202/833-2672 or for additional free copies.


  • INVESTING IN AMERICA: A National Imperative to Fund our Critical Water Infrastructure Needs

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