AMSA Member Update (MU03-04)

To: Members & Affiliates (This Member Update Provided to Affiliates for Information Only)
From: National Office
Date: March 12, 2003
Reference: MU 03-04

Action Please By:
April 18, 2003

Under the AMSA Bylaws, the term of the office for nine Board members will expire at the Association’s Annual Meeting this May. The Board members from Regions I, II, III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX and X are either eligible for re-election or will be vacating their seats in May. An additional seat in Region VII is also open through the retirement of Gurnie Gunter, Kansas City Water Department, Missouri following the completion of numerous years of exceptional Board service. The Board members up for re-election and the vacant seats are as follows:

Region I
Paul Pinault
Narragansett Bay Commission, RI

Region II
Richard P. Tokarski
Rahway Valley Sewerage, NJ

Region III
Donnie R. Wheeler
Hampton Roads Sanitation District, VA

Region V
Jon Schellpfeffer (not seeking reelection)
Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District, WI

Region VI
Harold J. Gorman (not seeking reelection)
Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans, LA

Region VII
Dick Champion, Jr.
Independence Water Pollution Control Department, MO

Vacant Seat – Retirement (2 year term remaining)
Gurnie C. Gunter
Kansas City Water Services Department, MO

Region VIII
Jon G. Monson
City of Greeley Water & Sewer Department, CO

Region IX
Margaret Nellor
Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, CA

Region X
Charles Logue
Clean Water Services, OR

With the exception of the vacant seat in Region VII, the balance of the aforementioned Board seats are eligible for a three year term of service. The vacated seat in Region VII is for a two year term, expiring in 2005. In accordance with Association Bylaws, member agencies in affected regions are asked to identify individuals to represent them using a format that ensures each member in the region has an opportunity to be considered for nomination. (See attached regional lists for Regions I, II, III, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X.)

In order to be considered by the Nominating Committee, nominees should have a minimum of two AMSA members from their region, or one member other than themselves, support their nomination in writing. Thus, an individual desiring to serve or continue to serve on the Board may nominate themselves, but must solicit the support of at least one other member agency from their region. If, as a result of the nominations, there are two or more members from a region meeting the qualifications, the Nominating Committee shall oversee a vote of regional AMSA members. The Committee will report nominations to the entire membership for election at the Annual Meeting in Washington, DC in May. Alternatively, any member may have his or her name placed in nomination from the floor of the Annual Meeting when elections are before the assembly.

Please forward a copy of your nominations to both Steve Hayashi, Chair of the Nominating Committee (Directors), and Ken Kirk, AMSA’s Executive Director, NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 2002.

Stephen T. Hayashi
General Manager
Union Sanitary District
5072 Benson Road
Union City, CA 94587

FAX: 510/477-7501

Ken Kirk
Executive Director
1816 Jefferson Place, NW
Washington, DC 20036-2505

FAX: 202/833-3743

Please keep in mind as you move through the nominating process that eligibility for election to the Board is limited to those individuals who have been designated as their agency’s representative to the AMSA. Please also note the following specific duties and responsibilities of the Board as you consider potential nominees:

For your information, a list of the current Board of Directors and the Nominating Committee (Directors) is enclosed in addition to the regional lists for the Board seats which are vacant or up for re-election. If you need additional information or assistance, please contact Stephen Hayashi, Nominating Committee Chair, at 510/477-7500, or Ken Kirk, Executive Director of AMSA, at 202/833-4653.

