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Press Release Source: Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District

William B. Schatz Elected as President of AMSA
Monday June 7, 11:41 am ET

WASHINGTON, June 7 /PRNewswire/ -- On May 24, the members of the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA) elected the General Counsel of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) William B. Schatz as President of AMSA. According to a tribute by Senator Voinovich, "Mr. Schatz was elected AMSA President based on his exemplary commitment and dedication to the clean water community in Ohio and throughout our nation."
AMSA's mission is to effectively maintain a strong leadership role in the development and implementation of scientifically sound, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly policies for the protection of the health of the public and the environment. In May of 2004, AMSA celebrated 34 years of service to the clean-water community and the nation. AMSA represents over 280 of the largest wastewater treatment agencies in the country.

Mr. Schatz has served as General Counsel at NEORSD in Cleveland, Ohio, since 1979 and for over 20 years has been a leader in the water quality arena. He has served in several capacities with AMSA, including chairing the Legal Affairs Committee and Water Infrastructure Funding Task Force, as well as serving on AMSA's Board of Directors.

As AMSA's President, Mr. Schatz's primary responsibilities will include supervising and controlling the business and affairs of the Association. A graduate of Case Western University School of Law, Mr. Schatz resides in Moreland Hills, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, with his wife Betty of 33 years.

The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District operates three wastewater treatment plants and related water pollution control facilities on Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga River. The District serves the City of Cleveland and 59 suburban communities and employs approximately 580 people.

Contact: Kim C. Jones, (216) 881-6600, ext. 6882