AMSA Regulatory Alert (RA 04-04)

To: Members & Affiliates, Legal Affairs Committee
From: National Office
Date: February 18, 2004
Reference: RA 04-04
Attachment: Preliminary Workshop Agenda and Registration Form (.doc)

AMSA is pleased to announce our co-sponsorship with the CSO Partnership of the National Workshop to Address Key Long Term Control Plan Issues Facing CSO Program Managers to be held at the Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL, on April 19 and 20, 2004. This workshop will be relevant to AMSA member agencies in various stages of developing and implementing combined sewer overflow (CSO) long term control plans (LTCP) and programs. Timed to occur on the 10th Anniversary of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) issuance of the national CSO Policy, the workshop will offer strategic insights and advice on cutting-edge CSO issues, and will provide a forum for CSO communities to discuss future legislative and/or regulatory efforts. The program features presentations by and discussions with top municipal officials, legal, engineering experts, as well as EPA and state regulators.

A block of rooms has been reserved for the evening of April 19 at the Palmer House Hilton, 17 East Monroe Street, Chicago, IL at a workshop rate of $139.00 per night plus tax. Attendees should make reservations directly with the hotel at 1-877-865-5322, and indicate they are attending the CSO Control Workshop. The room block cut-off date is March 19, 2004.

The fee for this workshop is $400.00 for AMSA members, and includes a reception, continental breakfast and lunch, and refreshments during morning and afternoon breaks. Please return your completed registration form and check to the CSO Partnership at the address indicated.

We hope to see you at this important workshop! Please direct any questions to Alexandra Dunn, AMSA General Counsel, at 202/533-1803 or

