
Evaluation of Domestic Sources of Mercury August 2000

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Household Mercury Poses National Clean Water Compliance Concerns
NACWA reports that mercury levels in household wastewater are sufficiently high to pose Clean Water Act compliance problems for the nation's wastewater treatment plants. The findings of the NACWA study underscore the need for a comprehensive, priority-based, cost-effective national strategy to reduce mercury in the environment.

Mercury from domestic wastewater and municipal treatment plants accounts for less than 1 percent of mercury entering the environment. Still many wastewater treatment agencies are concerned that compliance will require the application of advanced treatment at their publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) that have been shown to cost $10 million - $100 million for every pound of mercury removed. In addition, such advanced treatment may not have much impact on resolving water quality issues as long as mercury continues to enter the environment from other sources such as air pollution or abandoned mines. EPA believes that by using new analytical and sampling techniques and pollution minimization, POTWs should have no difficulty in attaining these more stringent requirements. EPA's conclusions in large part are based on a 1994 mercury sampling project that showed four of nine wastewater treatment plants had non- detectable mercury levels. This approach, however, assumes that there is no background mercury concentration in domestic wastes. Until recently there has been very little information on mercury concentrations in domestic waste, mainly due to a lack of monitoring at a sufficiently low level.

To better understand the relative contributions of mercury in domestic wastes and potential source control options, NACWA initiated a study to collect information on concentrations of mercury in domestic wastewater, to identify the sources of mercury in domestic wastewater, and to evaluate the feasibility of controlling those mercury sources. Sources evaluated included common household products and food items, as well as research on mercury contributions from individuals with amalgam fillings.

The results of this study offer some important observations for sources of mercury in domestic wastewater and the feasibility of effective control options, and are available in a final report from NACWA. The major findings are listed below.

In EPA's cost analysis for the Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative, and in subsequent discussions with wastewater representatives, the Agency has supported the use of pollutant minimization programs as a way for achieving compliance. NACWA endorses and promotes pollution minimization efforts, but is concerned that these efforts may not be adequate to produce the desired level of permit compliance sought by regulatory authorities, highlighting the need for a national mercury compliance strategy for POTWs.

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