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A Matter of Trust Our roads and airports have dedicated funding sources, why not do the same for water with a national clean water trust fund? By Ken Kirk Americans demand that their water be safe and clean. And polls and surveys find that Americans are willing to pay their fair share to guarantee the quality of their water. The message to the U.S. Congress is both new and compelling -- if highways and airports are worthy of multi-billion dollar trust funds, so are the nation's waterways. The problem is no longer someone else's; it belongs to each and every one of us -- just as the nation's rivers, lakes, streams, beaches, bays and estuaries belong to us all. Water infrastructure needs in our country are comparable in scope and importance to those facing our nation's highway and aviation infrastructure. While these transportation programs have received federal funding in the hundreds of billions of dollars over the years, there is no permanent federal contribution to build or sustain water and wastewater infrastructure. Clean water is essential to our public health and economy and is the second largest infrastructure program on our local government balance sheet (see Graph 1). In fact, local government expenditures for water and wastewater infrastructure exceed local expenditures for highways and aviation combined. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), water quality in America will return to pre-1972 Clean Water Act levels absent a massive infusion of funds for America's clean water infrastructure. To achieve this, all levels of government -- federal, state and local -- must develop a lasting partnership to meet this challenge.
As the graphs and pie charts in this article detail, local governments have done the heavy lifting on behalf of clean and safe water as federal investment has ebbed to under five percent of total clean water infrastructure funding (see Graph 2). The solution is clear: if dedicated funding sources have made the nation's roads and airports the best in the world, certainly we should do the same for water. As the dialogue regarding solutions to meet the nation's clean water infrastructure needs progresses, we should ask ourselves one question: if it's important enough for roads and airports, why not water? The Growing Funding Challenge The U.S. Congress made a landmark decision in 1972 when it passed the Clean Water Act (CWA), instituted to clean up and ensure the safety of the nation's waters for public use. The CWA was, and continues to be, a success -- in large part because of the Construction Grants Program (CGP) and Clean Water State Revolving Fund (SRF), which have provided $61.1 billion and $43.5 billion, respectively, to build and upgrade wastewater treatment facilities. In 1987, Congress eliminated the CGP and amended the CWA to include the SRF loan program. Graph 4 best demonstrates the marked decrease in federal funding and the increased share of local funding from 1977 through 2000. Costly Regulatory and Enforcement Challenges In a pending sanitary sewer overflow rule, if EPA moves forward with its proposed "zero-discharge" standard -- an absolute prohibition on any sanitary sewer overflow -- POTW collection systems would need to be significantly upgraded at an additional cost of billions of dollars nationwide. EPA continues to bring wet weather enforcement actions against POTWs, which also come with a multi-billion dollar price-tag. Implementation of additional regulatory requirements associated with the total maximum daily load program, mercury-related issues and nutrient removal are adding escalating costs to POTWs. Graph 5 shows EPA's estimate of the infrastructure funding needs for wet weather and other related clean water challenges, such as nonpoint source pollution. It has become increasingly difficult for wastewater treatment plants to fund the growing number of federal regulations without the federal government's full financial commitment. Utilities must take on expanding debt burdens to address capital needs, while also having to continuously raise rates to service the debt load and comply with growing regulatory requirements. AMSA's data show that POTWs have increased residential charges by more than 2 percent above inflation over the past 15 years (see Graph 6) to deal with these challenges. Given the trends of increasing municipal expenditures and decreasing federal funding, it should come as no surprise that, according to the latest figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, local government expenditures for water and sewer service rank second -- only behind education. More significantly, water and sewer expenditures exceed all other categories of local government spending, including police, hospitals, fire protection, housing and community development, highways and air transportation. As seen in Graph 1, this municipal investment in water infrastructure has escalated sharply in the last few years. The Watershed Perspective
The Great Lakes contain one-fifth of the world's fresh water and provide water to 40 million people in the United States and Canada, yet they face serious challenges that range from extensive urban development, invasive species, altered water flows, nutrient loadings and agricultural/nonpoint source pollution. The Great Lakes support over $8 billion annually for the fishery and boating industries alone. Demonstrating the symbolic nature of federal involvement in clean water issues, the administration has dedicated $45 million in its fiscal year 2005 budget to clean up sediment in the Great Lakes, despite its own estimate of a $7.4 billion need to clean up 26 "Areas of Concern" located on the U.S. side of the Great Lakes Basin.2 Similarly, the Chesapeake Bay, despite benefiting from a multi-stakeholder voluntary cleanup initiative, has experienced growing problems due to increasing nutrient loads. These loads lead to increased algal blooms and hypoxic conditions in which abnormally low levels of oxygen in the water result in fish kills and shellfish bed losses. According to recent estimates, the Chesapeake Bay provides $1.3 billion annually to the bay watershed's economy. If the health of the bay continues to decline, so will the economies of the various states that rely on it. The Chesapeake Bay Foundation estimates that $4.4 billion will be needed just to pay for nutrient removal technology for the bay's POTWs alone. This estimate is enormous, despite the fact that nonpoint source pollution, not POTWs, is the dominant polluter of the bay. Of interest is also the Maryland Assembly's recent adoption, and Republican Governor Robert Ehrlich's decision to pass, a Maryland "flush tax" on residential water bills. The nearly $80 million raised will go primarily to upgrade POTWs to further improve the quality of the bay. This shows, at least on a state level, the type of bipartisan support that the trust fund concept should garner at the national level. The Gulf of Mexico has suffered similar hypoxia problems, also known as "dead zones." The gulf's hypoxic zone is an expanse of oxygen-depleted water, located off the coast of Louisiana, which cannot sustain most marine life due to excessive amounts of nitrogen pollution entering the gulf via the Mississippi River. The hypoxic zone reached a record of 7,728 miles in 1999 and puts at direct risk the livelihoods of thousands of people who rely on the gulf. The fisheries provide more than $5 billion per year to the region and contribute 200,000 jobs. Together, the cities, suburbs and farms in the Mississippi River watershed contribute an estimated 90 percent of the nutrient flow into the Gulf of Mexico. The Mississippi River has contributed three times as much nutrient loading to the gulf since the 1950s, yet, without significant new funding, little will be done to reverse this trend. Long Island Sound, the Colonias region where the United States and Mexico share their borders, Narragansett Bay and many other areas face similar clean water challenges. The record of receiving significant federal funding on a region-by-region basis is extremely poor, and mobilizing congressional support for high-cost regional projects competes for all-too limited clean water funding dollars. National, regional and municipal organizations must act now and act together to refocus the federal government on its clean water obligations. A Clean Water Trust Fund
The Benefits of a Trust Fund
Why Not Water? As communities struggle to address their aging infrastructure needs, the national debate must focus on a full, national re-commitment to a long-term, sustainable funding source for clean water infrastructure. The federal government decided our highways were important enough for a dedicated funding source. The same decision was made for the nation's airports. Yet no single resource is as critical to every American as clean water. It is time to make sure this most fundamental resource is secured for generations to come and to ask ourselves one question -- why not water?5 References 2. See the Northeast-Midwest Institute Web site, 3. See the 2003 Luntz Survey at and the 2004 Survey at The surveyed public included approximately 800 individuals with a near-even breakdown between those who voted for George W. Bush and Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election and those who did not vote. 4. A National Clean Water Trust Fund: Principles for Efficient and Effective Design is available at 5. The Why Not Water publication can be accessed at This article originally appeared in the May/June 2004 issue Water & Wastewater Products, Vol. 4, No.3. Graph 1. Federal Investment Declines... Local Government Spending Rises on Water and Wastewater
According to the U.S. Census Bureau's latest statistics on local
governmental spending, water and sewer expenses ranked second behind
education in total outlays in 2000. Annual local government spending for
water and sewer exceeded all other categories of spending. Large
increases in capital needs and expenditures for water and sewer
infrastructure could hamper local government's ability to provide other
critical services and could threaten the 30 years of progress that have
been made in ensuring safe and clean water for the public and the
Graph 2.Over The Last Decade... Federal, State and Local Contributions to Wastewater Infrastructure AMSA's data showed that its member utilities have collected more than 95
percent of their capital investment and operating funds from local
sources for the past seven years. The General Accounting Office
estimated a flat level of federal and state funding from 1991 to 2001
for wastewater investment at $2 billion to $2.5 billion per year.
However, as local expenses continued to escalate, the percentage of
costs covered by federal assistance has dropped to well under 5 percent
for surveyed AMSA utilities. Graph 3. Costs Continue to Escalate... Estimated Annual Capital Investment Needs -- $17.6 Billion
There is little disagreement that the national needs for sewer infrastructure are high. Data from the 140 respondents to AMSA's Financial Survey estimated a national average annual capital investment need of $17.6 billion. The needs reported in AMSA's Survey represent committed projects, projects underway and projects scheduled to begin during the next five years. Data also indicated that needs for combined sewer overflow mitigation, as well as repair and rehabilitation of treatment plants and sewers, have risen sharply. Graph 4. Municipalities Shoulder a Growing Share... Local vs. Federal Wastewater Expenditures Federal government spending on wastewater peaked in the late 1970s, and rapidly diminished during the early 1980s. While federal spending has remained flat during the past 10 years, local costs have escalated well beyond the rate of inflation.NOTE: Chart shows figures in 2000 dollars.
Graph 6. Utilities Continue to Raise Rates... Household User Fees Rise Above the Rate of Inflation
Ken Kirk is executive director of the Association of Metropolitan Sewerage Agencies (AMSA). From 1978 to 1990, he worked with a Washington, D.C.-based private consulting firm, where he had responsibility for the management of several associations, including AMSA. From 1973 to 1975, Kirk worked in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Legislation and from 1975 to 1977 he was the Water Pollution Control Federation's (now the Water Environment Federation) Public Affairs Manager. Kirk has degrees from New York University, the Georgetown University Law Center and the George Washington University Law Center, where his specialty was environmental law. He is a member of the District of Columbia bar. In June of 1996 Kirk was designated Certified Association Executive (CAE), the highest honor of professional achievement available from the American Society of Association Executives. He can be contacted at or (202) 833-2672. |