Clean Water Advocacy - News Releases - October 27, 2005
For Immediate Release: October 27, 2005
Contact: Adam Krantz, 202.833.4651
NACWA Announces Release of
Financial Capability and Affordability White Paper
The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) is pleased to announce
the release of its much-anticipated
Financial Capability
and Affordability in Wet Weather Negotiations White Paper (PDF).
The White Paper provides an in-depth review of existing EPA guidance on
affordability-related issues and recommends modifications to existing policy and
practice on wet weather compliance and its financial impacts. Through detailed
Case Studies, the White Paper also provides information for, and guidance on,
affordability negotiations and details viable approaches for reducing the
financial impacts of wet weather projects on low-income households.
As the leading advocate for the nation’s clean water agencies and on behalf of responsible national polices that advance clean water and a healthy environment NACWA commissioned the White Paper to:
- Provide a critical review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) established policies and guidance on financial capability assessments for wet weather programs;
- Offer practical guidance to clean water agencies for discussions with state and federal regulators on current policies and practices related to consideration of financial capability;
- Suggest modifications to EPA’s assessment methods and enforcement practices – particularly the importance of expanding financial capability considerations to include the breadth of wet weather related compliance requirements facing a community;
- Through Case Studies, provide a succinct overview of the experiences of clean water agencies assessing financial capability in the context of negotiating Clean Water Act (CWA) wet weather consent decrees; and
- Provide general guidance on the relationship between financial capability and low-income affordability, and suggest approaches to addressing low-income affordability concerns.
NACWA’s Executive Director, Ken Kirk, stated that “When short implementation schedules are coupled with a zero overflow philosophy, many public utilities find it all the more essential to make affordability and financial capability arguments. This White Paper reviews a broad sampling of clean water agency wet weather negotiations and highlights various techniques for making successful affordability arguments.”
NACWA is a national trade association representing hundreds of the nation's publicly owned wastewater treatment utilities. NACWA members serve the majority of the sewered population in the United States and collectively treat and reclaim over 18 billion gallons of wastewater every day. NACWA members are environmental practitioners dedicated to protecting and improving the nation's waters and public health.
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