Join NACWA - NACWA Dues Schedule
Your agency’s or organization’s membership dues support both NACWA’s General Fund, ensuring the delivery of comprehensive, high quality services — as well as the Targeted Action Fund which strengthens the Association’s capability to implement its short and long-term regulatory, legislative and legal objectives. NACWA’s Targeted Action Fund plays a key role in the Association’s ability to ‘get the job done’ for its members. The dollars spent work toward efforts to develop more invformed rulemaking decisions and have the potential to save public wastewater agencies significant funds in management, operation, and capital costs. For additional information on NACWA’s Targeted Action Fund see the Associations 2005-2006 Year in Review.
Use the table below to determine your dues rate. Then use your browser's back button or click on the link below to go to the membership application.
- Public Agency Member Dues Schedule – public wastewater treatment agencies
- Public Affiliate Member Dues Schedule – public agencies which convey but do not treat wastewater
- Corporate Private Affiliate Dues Schedule – private organizations whose interests are compatible with the objectives of NACWA but are not public agencies
- Legal Private Affiliate Member Dues Schedule – private law firms who represent the interests of the wastewater community
- Supporting Affiliate Member Dues Schedule
– non-profit or academic institutions who are not eligible for any category
of membership or affiliate membership in NACWA but whose interests are
compatible with the Bylaws and objectives of NACWA