Member Services & Information Member Update (MU05-10)

To: Members & Affiliates *
From: National Office
Date: July 7, 2005
Reference: MU 05-10


Application Deadline:
August 12, 2005

New Excellence in Management Recognition Program to Honor Member Efforts
NACWA is delighted to announce that the Association is now accepting applications for the 2005 Excellence in Management Recognition Program. The Excellence in Management program was launched in 2003 to acknowledge the significant management efforts of NACWA member agencies. This program honors member agencies who have implemented successful programs (over a continuous three-year period) that address the range of management challenges faced by public wastewater utilities in today’s competitive environment.

Member Update 05-10 provides all the information that you need to submit an application for the 2005 Excellence in Management Recognition Program, including: program eligibility, criteria and pertinent application submission guidelines.

Who Should Apply for Recognition?
All NACWA member public wastewater utilities (both wastewater treatment facilities and conveyance systems) that can demonstrate continuous improvements in efficiency and effectiveness in wastewater service delivery during the previous three-year period are eligible to receive Excellence in Management recognition.

Please Note: If your agency received Excellence in Management recognition in 2004, your honor is valid for three years (until 2007). Utilities honored in 2003 and 2004 need not reapply for recognition until the 2006, 2007 programs respectively.

What Types of Programs and Activities Will be Recognized?
Proactive management action leading to continuous improvements
in such areas as environmental quality, system capacity and reliability, operations and maintenance, asset management, technology, human resources, finance, rates management, planning (i.e., succession planning, strategic planning) and/or customer relations are eligible for recognition. The programs featured in your utility’s Excellence in Management application should reflect information, continuous improvements and proven results in multiple areas of utility management over the past three years. Applicants are encouraged to quantify program results wherever possible to support their Excellence in Management application. Application submittal guidelines provide for strict instructions on the length of project descriptions, therefore, we encourage applicants to demonstrate their accomplishments and focus on five Management Program Categories (see attached list on Nomination Application).

How Does My Agency Apply?
Each application must contain a completed application form (attached) and a program description. Each Management Program Category identified should be supported by one paragraph of text quantifying the results of the effort. Program descriptions should not exceed two pages (minimum 12 point font) describing the agency’s competitiveness program and its positive impact on the management and/or operations of the agency along with one additional page of metrics/measures to support the narrative program description. Applicants are also encouraged to include a one-page timeline demonstrating the utility’s continuous improvements. Additional materials will not be accepted — the management program must be completely and concisely described in the program description and timeline. Each application package must be endorsed by the person who prepared the application as well as the NACWA member agency representative (if the application was not prepared by the NACWA representative).

To submit an application, simply complete the attached application form — along with the appropriate program description, metrics/measurements, and timeline — send complete application packages to NACWA’s National Office via fax, 202/833-4657, or regular mail, 1816 Jefferson Place, NW, Washington, DC 20036. Application forms can also be downloaded from NACWA’s website,

How Will Honorees Be Selected for Recognition?
Each Excellence in Management Program application will be reviewed by a Subcommittee comprised of members of NACWA’s Awards Committee and Utility Management Committee in late-September. The Excellence in Management recognition program is non-competitive — each nomination is judged individually and all worthy nominations will receive recognition. Each nomination will be reviewed based upon the following:

In addition, nomination applications should detail how the program benefited the agency and its management and/or operations.

How Will Honorees Be Recognized?
Excellence in Management honorees will be recognized during NACWA’s management-focused 2006 Winter Conference, to be held January 31 – February 3 in New Orleans, Louisiana. Honorees will be presented with a Certificate of Recognition recognizing their efforts.

Get Recognized — Apply Today!
Enclosed is a Nomination Application form containing a checklist of Management Program Categories. Applicants should demonstrate accomplishments in five categories. Additionally, the checklist also contains a Supporting Information section, which provides applicants with an opportunity to enhance their application through participation in a variety of programs.

Please contact Shawnita Dickens at NACWA’s National Office, phone: 202/833-1449 or e-mail:


* This Member Update is provided to affiliate members for information only.

