US Congress
General Information Area Code 202
US Capitol Switchboard | 224-3121 |
Legislative Status Office | 225-1772 |
White House Clerk's Office (Has a bill become a law or been vetoed?) | 456-2226 |
General Accounting Office Documents | 512-6000 |
How To Obtain Congressional Documents, Bills, Reports and Laws
House and Senate bills, reports, and public laws are available
House Document Room B-18 Annex 2 Washignton, DC 20515 202/225-3456 | Senate Document Room SH-B04 Hart Bldg. Washington, DC 20510 202/224-7860 |
The public may obtain one free copy of up to 6 items.
House and Senate hearing records:
Congressional Sales Office
Government Printing Office
710 North Capitol Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20402-9315
202/ 512-0132
Prices vary and payment may be by cash, check, money order, credit
card, or GPO deposit accounts. Prices include postage and handling.
U.S. House of Representatives
Area Code 202
Cloakroom Tapes (Floor action, scheduling information)
Democratic | 225-7400 |
Republican | 225-7430 |
Cloakroom Tapes - Future Schedule
Democratic | 225-1600 |
Republican | 225-2020 |
House Majority Leader | 225-4000 |
House Minority Leader (Scheduling information, procedures) | 225-0100 |
Office of the Speaker (Scheduling information, procedures) | 225-0600 |
Cloakroom (Scheduling information, floor action)
Democratic | 225-7330 |
Republican | 225-7350 |
House Parliamentarian (Procedural matters) | 225-7373 |
Daily Digest (House committee meetings, floor action) | 225-2868 |
Clerk of the House (Membership/Committee rosters, etc.) | 225-7000 |
U.S. Capitol Switchboard (House telephone information) | 225-3121 |
Commitee on Appropriations
Majority | 225-2771 |
Minority | 225-3481 |
Subcommittee on VA, HUD & Independent Agencies 225-3241
Committee on Commerce
Majority | 225-2927 |
Minority | 225-3641 |
Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure
Majority | 225-9446 |
Minority | 225-4472 |
Subcommittee on Water Resources & Environment
Majority | 225-4360 |
Minority | 225-0060 |
U. S. Senate
Area Code 202
Cloakroom Tapes (Floor action, scheduling information)
Democratic | 224-8541 |
Republican | 224-8601 |
Senate Majority Leader | 224-3135 |
Senate Minority Leader (Scheduling information, procedures) | 224-5556 |
Secretary of the Senate (Calendars, committee lists, etc.) | 224-2115 |
Senate Cloakroom (Scheduling information, floor action, etc.)
Democratic | 224-4691 |
Republican | 224-6191 |
Senate Parliamentarian | 224-6128 |
ASWA Daily Digest (re: Congressional Record) | 224-2658 |
Committee on Appropriations
Majority | 224-3471 |
Minority | 224-7291 |
Subcommittee on VA, HUD & Independent Agencies | 224-7253 |
Committee on Environment & Public Works
Majority | 224-6176 |
Minority | 224-8832 |