Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts SpecialEdition - January 6, 2004
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January 6, 2004
AMSA 2004 Winter Conference
From Crisis to Opportunity…
Strengthening Your Utility’s AssetsFebruary 3 – 6, 2004
Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, Los Angeles, Calif.Hotel Reservation Deadline is Friday, January 9th!
Call today to reserve your hotel room at the Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel — 310/458-6700. Be sure to indicate that you are a registrant for the AMSA conference to receive the special conference rate of $205 per night (single/double).Please feel free to contact AMSA’s National Office at 202/833-AMSA (2672) or if you have any questions.
Detailed Agenda Now Available Online
The 2004 Winter Conference, From Crisis to Opportunity… Strengthening Your Utility’s Assets, will explore utility organizational dynamics and issues that are constants in today’s utility management — issues that, by inaction, could easily become crises.A detailed conference agenda, including speaker names and program updates, is now available on AMSA’s website — We encourage you to visit the website often for the most up-to-date program information and online conference registration!
Make your plans now to attend AMSA’s
2004 Winter Conference in Los Angeles!