
March 26, 2002 AMSA Fax Alert SpecialEdition

Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts - March 26, 2002 - SpecialEdition Attachment 2

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March 26, 2002

Helpful Hints
Sample Letter to Congress

  • Internet: Use the instructions in the Fax Alert Special Edition to access a copy of the sample letter through Write Congress Now. Use Write Congress Now to verify the fax and email addresses of your delegation.
  • Format: Adjust the Sample Letter to Congress according to the bracketed options, in bold typeface. Try to keep the content of the letter to one page, if possible.
  • Recipients: One letter should be faxed (or e-mailed) to your Representatives in the House and one copy should be faxed to his/her local District Office. Copies should be provided to your local and state elected officials, if appropriate.
  • Copies: Fax your signed letter to AMSA at 202/833-4657 c/o Lee Garrigan, Director of Legislative Affairs for tracking or email it to
  • Best Results: For most effective results, contact your Representatives while they are in the District for the Easter/Passover Recess (through April 7). Place a follow-up call to the staff contact on environmental issues in your Representative's Washington, DC office to discuss cosponsorship of H.R.3930.
  • Questions: If you have any questions, please call Lee Garrigan at 202/833-4655.


Instructions on Accessing AMSA's Write Congress Now

  1. Visit AMSA's website at;

  2. Click on the Write to Congress icon;

  3. Enter the requested data and locate your Representative;

  4. Fill in the blanks with your name and address;

  5. Click on the link to the sample letter, Support H.R. 3930. You can cut and paste the text to prepare an individualized letter, or download the full text of the letter.

  6. Fax or e-mail your letter immediately to your House members. (Note: Regular mail is still very slow and erratic, so we cannot recommend it for letters that need to be received immediately on Capitol Hill).