Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts - April 11, 2003
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April 11, 2003
Contact Your Representatives on NBP Funding by April 15
AMSA is urging all of its members with Senators and Representatives on the House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees for VA-HUD, Independent Agencies to immediately send letters to their delegates seeking their support for a $1 million appropriation for fiscal year 2004 to help continue the important work of the National Biosolids Partnership (NBP). These letters are even more urgently required for the House Subcommittee, which has set a deadline of 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 15 for their receipt. AMSA members are also encouraged to contact their congressional representatives while they are in their home districts for the Easter recess (April 14-25) to seek support for NBP funding. AMSA has prepared a form letter on NBP funding to send to your congressional delegates, which is available at AMSA urges that these letters be sent via fax because mail is still not reaching Congress. AMSA has also prepared a list of VA-HUD Subcommittee members for your use, which is available at Wastewater Infrastructure Security Bill Expected Today
AMSA has learned that Chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works (EPW) Committee James Inhofe (R-OK) and Senator Michael Crapo (R-ID) are poised to introduce today a wastewater security funding bill that is expected to be nearly identical to H.R. 866, the House version of the bill. AMSA has also been informed that the full EPW Committee is scheduled to mark up the bill on April 30. AMSA has been working very closely with key congressional staff to support the introduction and ultimate passage of the House/Inhofe bill. Once AMSA has obtained a bill number for the Senate legislation, the Association will be contacting its members in key states to urge their Senators to support this bill. Member support will be a critical factor because there is some disagreement between the majority and minority camps on the Senate EPW Committee regarding the approach and content of wastewater security legislation. Senator James Jeffords (I-VT) reintroduced wastewater security legislation last week, S. 779, which, unlike H.R. 866 and Senator Inhofe’s legislation, would require mandatory filing of vulnerability assessments and emergency response plans with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which AMSA has ardently opposed. AMSA will provide members with additional information on security legislation as it becomes available.As AMSA’s National Environmental Forum Nears
Schedule Time with Your Delegates, Invite them to Reception
AMSA’s 2003 National Environmental Policy Forum & 33rd Annual Meeting, Making Our Voices Heard . . . Mobilizing in Support of the National Clean Water Agenda, May 17-21, 2003, in Washington, DC, provides a unique opportunity to interact with Agency and congressional officials and garner momentum for national clean water policy. AMSA also urges members to set appointments now to meet with your congressional delegates during the time set aside at NEPF for Capitol Hill visits on May 20 from 12:00 to 4:00. AMSA members should also have received by mail extra copies of invitations to AMSA’s Capitol Hill Reception to be used to invite your Representatives and Senators. Because Congress is not receiving mail, AMSA urges you to send these invitations via fax to your delegates’ D.C. offices as soon as possible or to their district offices during the Easter recess (April 14-25). AMSA also requests that members include a personal note with each invitation. The hotel cut-off for NEPF is April 22, so call the Hyatt Regency Washington at 202/737-1234 today to ensure the special room rate of $219 single/double. Updated agenda and registration information is available online at