
April 21, 2003 AMSA Fax Alert

Member Pipeline - Fax Alert SpecialEdition - April 21, 2003

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April 21, 2003

Hotel Deadline —
TOMORROW April 22!

2003 NEPF & 33rd Annual Meeting
May 17 – 21, 2003
Hyatt Regency Washington
Washington, DC

Planning to attend AMSA’s 2003 National Environmental Policy Forum & 33rd Annual Meeting – Making Our Voices Heard… Mobilizing in Support of the National Clean Water Agenda?

Make your hotel reservations before the
Tuesday, April 22nd deadline!

There are still rooms available, but they are going fast so make your hotel reservations TODAY!!

Call today to reserve your hotel room at the Hyatt Regency Washington 202/737-1234! Be sure to indicate that you are a registrant for the AMSA Conference to reserve your room at the special rate of $219 single/double. Contact the AMSA National Office at 202/833-AMSA if you have any questions or problems making your hotel reservation for the 2003 Policy Forum!

Additional Program Information and Online Conference Registration is Available on AMSA's Web Site,