Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts - Special Edition - June 6, 2002
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June 6, 2002
Submit Your Agency’s Response to AMSA’s
2002 Financial Survey by June 15!
AMSA launched the eighth triennial Financial Survey: A National Survey of Municipal Management Financing and Trends with the distribution of agency-specific survey forms to all member agencies in early March. Many of you have responded, for which we are greatly appreciative. If you have yet respond, we encourage your agency to complete the 2002 Survey as soon as possible, and to facilitate greater participation, AMSA has extended the response deadline until June 15, 2002.
It’s Not Too Late —Your Agency’s Input Is Needed!
Your agency’s response to the 2002 Financial Survey is extremely important to AMSA, and the entire clean water community, as the Survey has consistently proven itself to be a valuable resource for AMSA member agencies as they evaluate financing options and consider rate adjustments by comparing current and emerging trends in the wastewater treatment industry. The ability to benchmark your agency to those of similar size and structure has proven to be an invaluable tool for public wastewater utilities across the nation.AMSA also utilizes the Financial Survey data when working with national policy-makers on behalf of the wastewater treatment community. The analysis of the data collected will serve as a valuable tool when requesting increased funding from Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for municipal wastewater treatment programs.
Online Survey Available to Member Agencies
In addition, AMSA members now have an alternative to completing the hard-copy survey questionnaire. For the first time, public agency members can respond via an Internet web survey form at The online web survey will allow you to save, edit and submit your agency’s survey responses, as well as perform analyses on current and historical survey data. You will need your AMSA agency Member Pipeline username and password to enter the survey web site.Questions?
- Technical questions - contact Mark Hoeke, phone: (202) 361-7446 or
- Administrative questions – contact Shawnita Dickens, 202/833-1449 or
The success of the 2002 Financial Survey depends on member participation!
Please submit your agency’s response by June 15!
Online – Fax – 202/833-4657
Mail – 1816 Jefferson Place, N.W., Washington, DC 20036