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June 18, 1999
AMSA Responds to President's Y2K Council Status Request
AMSA plans to respond to the President's Council on Y2K's request for additional information on the status of Y2K readiness within the wastewater industry. Results from this survey will be included in a report prepared by the Y2K Council for the President. Y2K preparedness is an important issue for the wastewater treatment community and the country, and AMSA has played a lead role in collecting and providing information to Congress, EPA, the Government Accounting Office and the White House. Further information will help assure the Y2K Council and the public of wastewater agencies' readiness. Please take a moment to complete the brief Y2K Status Report Survey which follows. Fax your responses to Jeni Hornback, AMSA<'s Information Systems Manager, at 202/833-4657, by June 30, 1999.AMSA Seeks Volunteers for 'Y2K Readiness Week'
AMSA, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and several other clean water organizations are currently developing plans for a Y2K Readiness Week scheduled for July 26-30, 1999. Readiness Week will showcase water and wastewater agency preparedness throughout the country. This week's events in Los Angeles underscore the importance of Y2K tests, which allow wastewater agencies to identify and remove glitches that could have serious results. During Readiness Week, agencies will voluntarily move the clocks ahead and conduct Y2K tests and equipment validation. In order for Readiness Week to be a success, we would like to have the participation of a wide variety of wastewater treatment agencies from across the country. AMSA will facilitate local press outreach prior to Readiness Week and will coordinate national and trade press coverage following the event. In addition, AMSA member agencies that volunteer to participate will be showcased in an upcoming Clean Water News.The event will be publicized nationally and could offer a chance to inform the public on other issues facing wastewater agencies such as the need for increased federal funding. AMSA is seeking volunteers to participate in the Y2K trial run. Interested agencies should contact Jeni Hornback, AMSA's Information Systems Manager, at 202/296-9384 or email, jhornback by June 25, 1999.
AMSA's Financial Survey Well Underway. . .Over 50 member agencies have already responded to AMSA's Financial Survey. Although the deadline for receiving the surveys has passed, there's still time to respond. Survey forms are available at for return via fax 202/833-4657 to the National Office. Contact Jeni Hornback with any questions, 202/296-9384.
AMSA Water Infrastructure and Urban Wet Weather Testimony . . . William Schatz, Vice Chair of AMS's Legislative Policy Committee and General Counsel for the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, will deliver testimony on June 22 before the House Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee on behalf of AMSA. His testimony will emphasize AMSA's top legislative priorities and focus on the benefits to communities throughout the country from the passage of the Urban Wet Weather Priorities Act of 1999.
June 23 Hotel Cut-Off for AMSA's July Meeting in Philadelphia . . . AMSA's Summer Conference, Unifying Urban Wet Weather Programs, is set to take place in Philadelphia, July 20-23. The hotel's cut-off date for AMSA's special conference rate is Wednesday, June 23. Contact the Philadelphia Marriott at 800/228-9290 to make reservations. The July 9 conference registration deadline is also rapidly approaching. Visit AMSA's web site at for a complete schedule and further information on Philadelphia.
- AMSA Y2K Status Report Survey
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