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July 10, 1998
EPA Resubmits POTW MACT Standard Package to OMB
On June 26, EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards resubmitted its POTW maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standard proposal to the Office of Management & Budget (OMB) for a 90-day review. The original package was withdrawn in February following new information made available to EPA by AMSA. The resubmitted proposal, also being reviewed by AMSA's Air Quality Committee leadership, represents a successful effort by the Association to demonstrate that existing POTWs are not major sources of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). The proposal would apply primarily to new or reconstructed POTWs classified as major sources of air toxics under Section 112 of the Clean Air Act, i.e. emitting 10 or more tons of any single HAP per year, or 25 or more tons of any combination of HAPs per year. The proposed regulation divides POTWs into two categories: industrial POTWs and non-industrial POTWs. The proposal would not apply to the majority of existing POTWs, except those that elect to control certain industrial waste streams already regulated by existing air toxics standards. Emission limits would be set for point sources within the primary treatment system, and major sources would be required to cover primary treatment tanks and vent the emissions from these sources into an emissions control device. EPA's WATER8 model will continue to serve as the default model for estimating emissions, although the proposal allows other estimation tools. The proposal will be distributed to the membership via a Regulatory Alert following its publication in the Federal Register.
EPA Summer Initiatives Focus on Water Quality Criteria & Standards The July 7 publication of the Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on the Water Quality Standards Regulation (Regulatory Alert 98-15) marks another summertime release of a major EPA initiative focused on the Water Quality Criteria and Standards Program. In late June, EPA had released its Water Quality Criteria and Standards Plan (Regulatory Alert 98-12) and its Strategy for the Development of Regional Nutrient Criteria (Regulatory Alert 98-13). AMSA members will be discussing many of these issues at the July 14-17 AMSA Summer Conference in Colorado Springs.
In addition, three EPA meetings on water quality criteria and standards are planned for August. On August 3-7, EPA will host its Water Quality Standards Academy in Washington, DC. The Academy is a training course devoted to all aspects of the water quality standards regulation, including the policies, interpretation, legal, and scientific aspects of the program. On August 24-27, EPA will host a conference titled, Strengthening the Foundation of the Nation's Water Quality Program in Philadelphia, PA. This meeting will provide an exchange of scientific, technical, and policy information on water standards, water quality criteria, and implementation including, water quality-based permitting. On August 27-28, the first of three public meetings on the ANPRM will be held in Philadelphia, PA to give the public an opportunity to join in the discussions on potential revisions to the water quality standards program regulation. These meetings are open to anyone interested in attending and are free of charge; pre-application, however, is required for each meeting. For more information visit EPA's web site at:
ØAMSA regrets to announce the passing of Jim Shahan. Jim died of a heart attack on July 6 and was honored during a memorial service held today in Seattle. As a dedicated and active member, Jim made many contributions to the Association, particularly in the legislative arena. He will be remembered fondly not only by his friends and colleagues in the King County Department of Natural Resources, but within AMSA as well.