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July 17, 1998
1998 Summer Conference Explores Wide Range of Water Quality Issues
This week member agency representatives from across the country attended the AMSA 1998 Summer Conference, Water Quality Criteria & Standards . . . Facing Challenges, Making Choices, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Attendees had the opportunity to hear from numerous representatives of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Natural Resources Defenses Council (NRDC), and AMSA member agencies who shared their knowledge and perspectives on water quality criteria and standards. The week was packed full of AMSA committee meetings, panel discussions, and included a tour of the Colorado Springs Utilities Water Resources Department, where participants got to see how the agency's touted competitiveness program is affecting their daily operations.
Assistant Attorney General Lois Schiffer Provides Summer Conference Keynote
Lois Schiffer, assistant attorney general of the U.S. Department of Justice's Environmental & Natural Resources Division, provided the Summer Conference's keynote address. She began her address by providing an overview of her Division's responsibilities, which in addition to enforcement include the defense of cases on behalf of federal agencies. She also noted the three main reasons why she believes enforcement is important: 1) it helps ensure that there is a level playing field; 2) it protects the environment; and 3) it ensures that states are not bidding against each other for lower rather than higher levels of environmental protection. Ms. Schiffer then discussed four recently settled wastewater and pretreatment-related cases involving member agencies. Specific settlement agreements were presented to the audience. In general, Ms. Schiffer said that her department prefers negotiating with municipalities in such cases and settling out of court rather that litigation and she called for increased communication and collaboration between the Division and AMSA members. Attending the conference with Ms. Schiffer was David Mears, counsel for Local and State Environmental Affairs, a newly created position to improve outreach to governmental sectors. Mears made himself available as a resource to AMSA's members and can be reached at 202/514-1671. AMSA's Legal Affairs Committee leadership will be scheduling an early fall meeting with Ms. Schiffer in an effort to begin a regular dialogue on enforcement issues.
Ten members of AMSA's Legal Affairs Committee had the opportunity to meet with Ms. Schiffer, along with David Mears, at a breakfast meeting held prior to her keynote address. Also attending the meeting were Michael Cook, director of EPA's Office of Wastewater Management, AMSA President Michele Plá, and AMSA staff. One of the main items of discussion was the enforcement and related problems surrounding the National CSO Policy.
Expert Panels Delve Into Water Quality Criteria and Standards Issues
During a total of seven panel discussions held during the Summer Conference, AMSA members were provided with the latest information from the federal, state, and local perspectives on a number of water quality criteria and standards issues. A thorough examination of the following topics was provided by each panel: Beneficial Use Designations, Nutrient Criteria Development, Human Health Criteria Methodology and Mercury Issues, Wet Weather and Economic Issues Related to Water Quality Standards Compliance, Whole Effluent Toxicity, and Total Maximum Daily Loads.
Full Session Coverage Available on Cassette Tape
Those interested in purchasing tapes of any or all of the Summer Conference's three General Sessions, which includes the keynote address and panel discussions have two options. . .use the order form that will be available on the AMSA web site,, and in the August issue of the Clean Water News.