
Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts - July 20, 2001

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July 20, 2001

Jeffords Calls Water Infrastructure Legislation A Priority
In his first press conference as Chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee (EPW), June 17, Jim Jeffords (I - VT) hailed water infrastructure legislation as a top priority, saying "I will also focus on improving the water infrastructure of our nation. We plan to write and consider legislation to help rebuild and meet drinking and wastewater treatment needs." Jeffords’ statement was a major success for AMSA and followed a June 16 Water Infrastructure Network (WIN) letter to the Senator and key EPW staffers, as well as our outreach efforts since Jeffords switched parties in May. Jeffords’ announcement shows an important commitment to begin the process of writing legislation. AMSA looks forward to working with Senator Jeffords toward this goal and will continue to meet with EPW staff to ensure forward momentum on water infrastructure funding. See WIN’s letter at:

EPA Budget Bill Moves to House & Senate Floor
In a busy week for Congress, both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees authorized spending bills for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for fiscal year 2002. The House bill, marked up on Wednesday, authorizes $7.5 billion for EPA for FY 2002 including a $1.2 billion allocation for the clean water state revolving loan funds (SRF) used to implement water quality programs at a state level. The House bill did not include funds for wet weather grants, a program supported by AMSA that would provide federal funding to states to address wet weather sewer overflows. The Bill also provides $200 million for a "targeted grant program to address community wastewater, drinking water and ground water infrastructure concerns" and $1 million for the National Biosolids Partnership.

The Senate Appropriations Committee held its markup of EPA’s appropriations on Thursday and allocated $7.75 billion for EPA in FY 2002. The Senate’s bill calls for $1.35 billion for the SRF. As in the House, the Senate version does not authorize funding for the wet weather grant program. The bill could be considered by the full Senate as early as next week. AMSA will continue our advocacy on EPA’s budget issues of importance to the wastewater community.

AMSA Issues White Paper on TMDLs, EPA Delays Rule
This week EPA announced to the D.C. Circuit Court that it will seek to put the July 2000 total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) rule lawsuit on hold to pursue a renewed public process to evaluate changes to the rule. Accordingly, AMSA issued a document titled AMSA’s White Paper on EPA’s July 2000 TMDL Rule, this week to provide the Agency and Capitol Hill with the critical policy stances of the nation’s POTWs. A copy of AMSA’s White Paper can be found on the website at:

AMSA’s Summer Conference Addresses Timely Biosolids Issues
At press time, AMSA’s July Conference, The Biosolids Challenge . . . Ensuring Success, in Milwaukee, Wis., was proving to be an enormous success, generating lively and timely discussion from numerous perspectives on a host of biosolids issues, many of which have received significant media attention. The conference attendees benefitted from the discussions between environmentalists, scholars, regulatory officials and practitioners on the direction of EPA’s review of biosolids regulations. All parties generally concurred that AMSA will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of biosolids regulations and ensuring the safe, effective use of it as a natural resource. AMSA would like to thank its members and participants who made the conference such a resounding success!

  • It’s not too late! EPA is still accepting comments on the proposed Metal Products and Machinery Effluent Guidelines. AMSA’s comments and information on the MP&M rule (Special Edition FaxAlert, June 27)can be found on AMSA’s website at
  • Confirmation hearings will be held on Wednesday, June 25 in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee for G. Tracy Mehan, who is nominated to become EPA’s Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water.