Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts - SpecialEdition - August 10, 2005
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August 10, 2005
NACWA’s 2005
Excellence In Management
Recognition Program
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12!It’s Not Too Late — Apply Today!
The Excellence in Management program recognizes the significant management efforts of NACWA member agencies who have implemented successful programs (over a continuous three-year period) that address the range of management challenges faced by public wastewater utilities in today’s competitive environment.NACWA is now accepting applications for the 2005 Excellence in Management Recognition Program (EIM) — and the August 12th application deadline is fast approaching! Member Update 05-10 provides all the information that you need to submit an application for the 2005 Excellence in Management Recognition Program, including: program eligibility, criteria and pertinent application submission guidelines. Visit NACWA’s website ( and click on the EIM logo to view Member Update 05-10 and complete program application information.
Who Should Apply for Recognition?
All NACWA member public wastewater utilities (both wastewater treatment facilities and conveyance systems) that can demonstrate continuous improvements in efficiency and effectiveness in wastewater service delivery during the previous three-year period are eligible to receive Excellence in Management recognition.[Please Note: If your agency received Excellence in Management recognition in 2003 or 2004 your honor is valid for three years — utilities honored in 2003 and 2004 need not reapply for recognition until the 2006, 2007 programs respectively.]
Need Additional Information?
Refer to Member Update 05-10 ( for a complete description of the programs eligibility, criteria, guidelines, past honorees and application information on the 2005 Excellence in Management Recognition Program.Please contact Shawnita Dickens at NACWA’s National Office, phone: 202/833-1449 or e-mail: with any EIM program questions or for additional information.
Get Recognized! Submit Your Agency’s Nominations for
the 2005 Excellence in Management Recognition Program
by the Friday, August 12 Deadline!