Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts - August 13, 2004
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August 13, 2004
EPA Bacteria Standards
Require Further Study, AMSA Submits Comments
AMSA provided EPA with comments ( this week on the Agency’s proposed rule, Water Quality Standards for Coastal and Great Lakes Recreation Waters – an effort by the Agency to comply with the Beaches Environmental Assessment and Coastal Health Act of 2002 (BEACH Act). The Association noted the need for significant additional research due to the lack of EPA-approved test methods for E. coli and enterococci (indicator organisms that comprise the Agency’s 1986 bacteria criteria). The data underlying the proposed rule were collected in the 1970’s and significant technological improvements have been made since. AMSA also voiced its concern on how the Agency will interpret “single sample maximum” (SSM) and its intended use. SSM refers to the maximum amount of indicator organisms allowable in a single effluent sample before the sample exceeds its water quality standards. AMSA’s comments state that this sampling technique: 1) may not be reflective of the entire waterbody; 2) may be inconsistent with other EPA guidance; and 3) could result in excessively high long-term control plan costs for combined sewer overflow communities. AMSA will continue to work with the Agency to ensure the clean water community’s views are incorporated in the final rule.AMSA’s Communications &
Public Relations Committee Meets for First Time
AMSA held its first Communications & Public Relations Committee conference call this week with over 20 public agency representatives joining the call. Kevin Shafer, Executive Director of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD), Milwaukee, Wis., was the guest speaker and demonstrated the importance of a common message in improving both media and public perception of the nation’s clean water agencies. He discussed how MMSD has dealt with often misleading media coverage of the District’s wet weather challenges, and their efforts to promote MMSD as a steward of the environment. Shafer provided participants with examples of media relations programs that have helped the District, from community meetings to outreach to local schools. The Committee agreed to hold bimonthly calls and develop a listserv, both of which will facilitate discussion on relevant and late-breaking information on the public relations (PR) front. The in-depth discussion during the call showed a strong commitment by AMSA members to engage in, and move forward with, coordinated outreach on clean water priority issues. If you would like to become a member of the Committee, contact John Thibodeau, Manager of Communications & Public Affairs, at 202-296-9836 or Finalizes Comments on International Wastewater Standard
AMSA provided comments ( to the American Water Works Association (AWWA) earlier this week on a draft wastewater services standard being developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO). The comments come on the heels of a meeting of public agency member representatives and leaders of the ISO Advisory Committee at AMSA’s July Conference. AWWA, as the lead water sector representative for the U.S. to ISO will compile U.S. delegation comments. AMSA’s comments respond to the most recent draft ( of the ISO standards for service activities relating to wastewater supply systems and look at the need to better harmonize the drinking water and wastewater standards, while at the same time maintain their unique characteristics. AMSA will be representing the U.S. delegation at the next ISO meeting scheduled to take place at the end of September in Rabat, Morocco.