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August 19, 1999
AMSA Gains Pretreatment Comment Deadline Extension
This week, AMSA learned it was successful in obtaining a deadline extension for comments on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Pretreatment Streamlining Proposal. AMSA's Pretreatment & Hazardous Waste Committee has been coordinating industry and public agency comments since the release of the proposal in the July 22 Federal Register. As a first step, AMSA sought and secured a 60-day extension to the comment period, which would have ended September 20. Comments are now due in to the Agency on November 19.The deadline extension will allow AMSA to coordinate comments and demonstrate the widespread agreement between industry and municipal pretreatment programs on critical pretreatment issues. AMSA believes that moderate adjustments by EPA in allowable pH levels and in the determination of significant noncompliance will benefit pretreatment programs while posing no risk to treatment systems or the environment. The Association will support this position aggressively in its comments.
AMSA has distributed the pretreatment proposal via Regulatory Alert 99-15. Members are requested to provide comments on the proposal by September 21. The proposal is also available online at For further details contact Mark Hoeke at 202/833-9106 or
Legal Seminar Planned for November . . . Member agency representatives and legal staff should mark their calendars for the 2nd annual AMSA/Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) Legal Affairs Seminar, Developments in Water & Wastewater Law . . . A Seminar for Public Agency Attorneys. The seminar will be held on November 18-19 at the Westin Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, SC. Presentations by prominent attorneys will be featured, and attendees will be eligible to receive Continuing Legal Education credits. This year's AMSA/AMWA seminar is designed to provide advice and details on the latest developments in wet weather regulations, total maximum daily loads, citizen suits and consent decrees. A upcoming Legal Alert will provide members with further information on registration, the hotel and agenda.
AMSA Prepares for 10th Pretreatment Workshop . . . The 1999 joint AMSA-EPA Pretreatment Coordinator's Workshop will be held in Dallas, Texas, November 3-5, at the Sheraton Dallas Park Central Hotel. This year's forum will bring together experts from local and state governments and EPA regions and Headquarters to discuss several opportunities to enhance the current and future direction of the national pretreatment program. Further information and registration materials will be forwarded to members, EPA and states next week.
AMSA Index Replies Due September 24 . . . Member Update 99-7 forwarded the 1999 Service Charge Index Survey form, which must be completed by September 24. The form should be faxed to Jon Schellpfeffer, Chair of AMSA's Finance & Information Services Committee, at 608/222-2703. If you have any questions about the survey form or any of the historical data, please call Jon Schellpfeffer at 608/222-1201 ext. 266.