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September 10, 1999
House Approves EPA 2000 Budget; SRF, NBP Funds Intact
This week the House of Representatives approved the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) fiscal year 2000 budget at $7.4 billion, reflecting the considerable efforts of AMSA and other stakeholders to restore the State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) and secure further funding for the National Biosolids Partnership (NBP). The appropriations bill for 2000 contains $1.175 billion for the SRF and $1million for the NBP. The final vote was 235-187. However, the bill's ultimate fate is extremely uncertain; it faces a Clinton veto threat, and the Senate remains unresolved on whether to exceed strict budget caps. A potential showdown over proposed tax cuts may also slow the Senate's progress on EPA's budget. These factors are causing many on Capitol Hill to expect the passage of another omnibus spending package. Although the 1999 fiscal year ends October 1, if a budget deal is delayed, Congress can pass continuing resolutions to avoid a government shutdown.Despite the continuing uncertainties in the budget process, AMSA remains optimistic that the SRF and NBP funds will pass unchanged. The Association continues to move forward on its legislative priorities by seeking the Senate's support for the NBP. Several member agencies have already sent letters urging support for continuing NBP funding. Legislative Alert 99-12, which was forwarded to the membership on August 24, contains a sample letter and other information to assist Association members in contacting their Senators on this important issue.
With Congress back in session AMSA is also working closely with Congress and other stakeholders on the introduction of the Urban Wet Weather Priorities Act of 1999. The National Office will keep the membership apprized of further developments on these issues.
Leadership Center Reaches Critical Phase of Development
This week, members of the Utility Leadership Center Steering Committee met to plan the next steps for establishing a center to advance public utilities leadership. The Steering Committee is comprised of representatives from AMSA, the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF). AMSA and the other organizations recognize that public utilities' ability to respond effectively to rapid changes in the water and wastewater industry will depend largely upon leadership. Under the ambitious time line laid out at the meeting this week, the Utility Leadership Center is anticipated to hold its first activities by early next year. AMSA's September Clean Water News will contain more information on the Leadership Center.AMSA ENR Supplement Highlights Utility Leadership . . . AMSA is once again publishing a special supplement to McGraw-Hill's Engineering News-Record (ENR) magazine. This year's theme is Utility Leadership in the New Millennium. The publication will feature articles from several authors offering their views on the importance of leadership in the public utilities sector and is intended to generate interest in AMSA's winter conference, which will have the same theme. The supplement will reach a wide audience. ENR has a circulation of over 400,000, and the supplement is being published in early October to coincide with WEFTEC in New Orleans. Copies of the publication will be distributed to WEFTEC participants. AMSA affiliate members who wish to advertise in the upcoming supplement should contact Al D'Alessandro at McGraw-Hill, 212-904-6542. Space is limited.