Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts - October 2, 2003
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October 2, 2003
Deadline for 2003 AMSA Service Charge Index Extended until October 10!
Be a Part of this Valuable Resource! The annual AMSA Index tracks service charge increases as measured against the rate of inflation. The Index is representative of AMSA's broad membership and is a valuable resource used by wastewater agencies across the nation.
Complete the 2003 Index Survey - Now Available Online! This year, for the first time, AMSA is pleased to offer the 2003 Survey form online, in addition to the traditional hard copy Survey. If your agency has not yet done so, please take a moment to complete the 2003 Service Charge Index Survey form either online at or via hard copy.
To submit your response online, please proceed through the following steps:* Need your agency's user ID and password? Contact Gunnar Gehrmann, phone: 202/833-9384 or
- Go to CleanWater Central at and enter the "private subscribers area"
- Select your agency, or enter your AMSA Member Pipeline ID (website ID) and password*. Click on "login."
- At your agency profile page, click on "Surveys" on the top menu.
- At surveys menu page click on "2003 AMSA Index" in the active AMSA/WERF surveys box.
- Complete the brief 2003 AMSA Index survey questionnaire, and click on "Submit." You may save your responses for later submittal by clicking on "Save."
To submit your response via hard copy form, please fax your agency's completed 2003 AMSA Index Survey form to Shawnita Dickens, 202/833-4657 or Mark Hoeke, 202/318-1472. If your agency has participated in the past, your responses are shown on the Survey form (both online and hard copy) along with the names of the person(s) who provided the information. If historical information is missing or inaccurate, please feel free to modify this data directly on the 2003 form. Changes will be reflected in this year's AMSA Index summary. Ideally, the 2003 Survey form should be completed by the same individual who submitted information for your agency in the past in order to ensure consistency.
If you would like a copy of your agency's 2003 Survey form (originally sent via Member Update 03-16) sent to you, please contact Shawnita Dickens at 202/833-1449 or
If you have any questions about the 2003 AMSA Index form or historical data, please contact Mark Hoeke at 202/361-7446 or Thank you for your prompt attention to this request.Don't Delay - Return Your Agency's Service Charge Index Survey Form Today!
Please take a minute complete your agency's 2003 AMSA Index form online at, or fax it to Shawnita Dickens, 202/833-4657 or Mark Hoeke, 202/318-1472, by Friday, October 10th!
A PDF version of this announcement can be found at: