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October 2, 1998
AMSA Members Asked to Provide Additional Y2K Input
As reported in AMSA’s September 25 FaxAlert, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has requested AMSA’s participation in an October 7 hearing on the status of efforts and preparedness of the nation’s major infrastructure sectors in addressing computer problems related to the Year 2000 (Y2K). The results from AMSA’s June 1998 Y2K survey will be presented to the Committee, along with one agency’s perspective being provided by AMSA witnesses from the Alexandria Sanitation Authority, VA. A copy of AMSA’s testimony is being forwarded to the membership via Member Update 98-18.
During recent meetings with Congressional committee staff and EPA on Y2K, several issues regarding contingency planning and the effects of external Year 2000 problems (e.g., electricity, telecommunications, chemical delivery disruption) have been raised. The attached mini-survey is intended to obtain a national perspective of how these issues may affect wastewater services nationwide. Results from this survey will be submitted as a supplement to AMSA’s written testimony to the Committee. Please take a moment to complete the brief survey which follows and fax your responses to the National Office by Friday, October 16, 1998. Completed surveys should be faxed to AMSA at 202/833-4657, attn: Jeni Hornback.
Click Here to take the Survey
EPA Office of Enforcement Crafting Testing Policy on Y2K
During a recent discussion with EPA officials, AMSA learned that the Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance (OECA) is poised to issue a policy to encourage the testing of systems for Year 2000 (Y2K) compliance by limiting permittee liability for violations that occur as a result of Y2K testing. Fred Stiehl, director of EPA’s Enforcement, Planning, Targeting, and Data Division, indicated that the policy would allow permittees to test their systems in advance of January 1, 2000 without fear of enforcement penalties should violations occur. Limits on liability, however, would be subject to the permittee practicing due diligence, such as "notifying the regulatory authority in advance of the tests, and discontinuing tests immediately after Y2K related failures or violations are observed," Stiehl noted.
The policy does not cover any Y2K related violations that occur after January 1, 2000. Stiehl indicated that it is too soon for the Office of Enforcement to develop a policy for post January 1, 2000 problems, as EPA does not want to encourage a slowing of efforts to address Y2K problems. AMSA makes note of this new development in its October 7 Congressional testimony and will forward the membership a copy of the policy as soon as it becomes available.
Alternate Hotels for AMSA/EPA Pretreatment Workshop
With nearly 200 people already signed up for the 1998 AMSA/EPA Pretreatment Coordinator’s Workshop being held October 28-30 in Kansas City, Missouri, AMSA’s block of rooms at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center have all been booked. Registrants are advised to contact the following hotels for accommodations: the DoubleTree (816/474/6664); the Residence Inn at Union Hill (816/561-3000); or the Marriott Downtown (816/421-6800). Members are also reminded that the advanced registration cut-off date for the workshop is October 15. Fax your registration forms to AMSA at 202/833-4657; online registration is also available at underConferences & Meetings.