Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts - Special Edition - October 7, 2002
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October 7, 2002
WET WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS!Westin Tabor Center Hotel Deadline is
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15thPlan now to attend AMSA’s
2002 Law Seminar
WET Workshop!
November 6-8, 2002
Westin Tabor Center
Denver, COCall today to reserve your hotel room at the Westin Tabor Center C 800/228-3000. Be sure to indicate that you are a registrant for the AMSA Law Seminar or WET Workshop to reserve your room at the special rate of $159 single/double. Contact AMSA’s National Office at 202/833-AMSA or if you have any questions.
NOTE: The hotel deadline was erroneously reported in the 2002 Law Seminar flyer mailed to members on October 1 — the correct hotel deadline is Tuesday, October 15, 2002.
Don’t delay — plan now to attend AMSA’s
2002 Law Seminar or WET Workshop and
reserve your hotel room TODAY!Additional Program Information and Online Conference Registration is Available on AMSA's Web Site —