Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts - October 17, 2003
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October 17, 2003
EPA Signs Final Dioxins in Land-Applied Biosolids Rule; Finds No Risk to Health
Today, EPA signed a final rule formalizing its determination that it is unnecessary to regulate dioxins in land-applied biosolids. EPA's decision was due today under a consent decree with AMSA, the Natural Resources Defense Council, and citizen petitioners. EPA's decision is of incredible value, as it makes clear that dioxins from land-applied biosolids do not pose a significant risk to human health or the environment. EPA states that "…no numeric limit or management practices are required to adequately protect human health and the environment from the adverse health effects of dioxins in land-applied [biosolids]." In formulating its decision, the Agency evaluated the effects biosolids would have on a "highly exposed" population, as well as risks to wildlife. EPA's decision is consistent with AMSA's long history of data collection and advocacy on this important issue. We will provide greater detail to the membership on EPA's important decision next week, and will continue to keep members apprised of any future developments. EPA's press release and the final rule can be accessed at related news, a loose coalition of activist groups petitioned EPA October 7 to ban class A and B biosolids. AMSA has discussed this petition with Agency officials and has learned that EPA is expected to stand by its current Part 503 Biosolids Management Program as protective of public health. Demonstrating support for the land-application of biosolids in accordance with the Part 503 program, AMSA, along with the Water Environment Federation and other public wastewater treatment agencies, plan to respond to the petition next week and will emphasize the National Academy of Sciences' July 2002 finding that no scientific evidence exists linking the land-application of biosolids to adverse human health impacts. The activists' petition is posted on AMSA's website at .
AMSA "Hot Topics" Discussion Features EPA Input on Host of Regulatory Issues
AMSA members met with key EPA representatives this week during the Association's Hot Topics Breakfast at WEFTEC to discuss EPA activity on a number of key wastewater issues. Jim Hanlon, Director of EPA's Office of Wastewater Management (OWM) gave an update on the Agency's blending guidance, indicating it would probably be released in the next six to eight weeks for public comment - an outcome for which AMSA has worked consistently. Other EPA officials provided updates on the Agency's security activities related to wastewater, its development of a watershed permitting guidance, the still-uncertain status of the Watershed Rule and the Agency's ongoing efforts to meet its December 15 deadline to deliver a Report to Congress on the impacts of combined and sanitary sewer overflows. EPA has also discussed a new Agency initiative to coordinate efforts on the linkages between water quality standards, total maximum daily loads, and permitting issues. AMSA will provide members with a more detailed analysis of this meeting in its next Regulatory Update.AMSA Releases Upgrades to VSAT™ Security Software Tools
AMSA has released an upgrade to all three versions of the Vulnerability Self Assessment Tools (VSAT™). The upgrade is now available to registered users of VSAT™ at The update, Version 2.2, includes all of the Version 2.1 updates, and adds new functionality to support the preparation of Vulnerability Assessments and Security Improvement Plans. The upgrade includes an automated Vulnerability Assessment Report Generator, two new Microsoft Excel Reports that allow users to review Baseline Results and the result of Potential Improvement Analyses, the ability to compare costs and risks in alternative security improvement scenarios, and a supplemental Users Manual. If you have not updated your VSAT™ software, you can download Version 2.2 directly by visiting