
October 22, 2003 AMSA Fax Alert

Member Pipeline - Fax Alerts SpecialEdition - October 24, 2003

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October 24, 2003

AMSA, Municipal Coalition Rebut Misleading Petition Seeking Biosolids Ban
AMSA, along with the National League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the Water Environment Federation and over a dozen other municipal organizations sent key EPA officials a detailed response to a petition from activist groups that urged the Agency to ban the land application of Class A and B biosolids. The coalition's response details the fact that scientific evidence, including the recent EPA rulemaking that dioxins in land applied biosolids pose no actionable human health risks and a July 2002 National Academies of Science biosolids report, demonstrates that the call for such a ban has no merit. The response also categorically refutes incorrect statements made about past and ongoing legal issues regarding land applied biosolids and re-emphasizes the fact that EPA's research plan for biosolids is sufficient to protect public health. The coalition states that there is "[A] wealth of scientific evidence and the long experience of our agencies and members demonstrate the safety and environmental advantages of recycling biosolids." AMSA urges EPA to deny the petition, noting that the Agency continues to meet its obligations to update the science and regulation of biosolids, including an upcoming January 2004 review of pollutants in biosolids. AMSA and its coalition partners will continue to urge EPA to base its policy and the regulation of biosolids on sound science. A more detailed account of the coalition's response will be made available next week via a Regulatory Alert and is posted on AMSA's Regulatory Correspondence & Outreach section of the Association's website at

AMSA Submits Comments to EPA on Watershed Permitting Guidance
AMSA submitted comments this week to EPA on its August 2003 draft Watershed-Based National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting Implementation Guidance (Guidance). AMSA gave overall support to the effort, while also outlining some concerns that the Association believes should be addressed by the Agency in its upcoming technical and implementation guidance documents on watershed-based permitting. These concerns include the incorporation of nonpoint source impacts and controls in watershed-based permits, the vital importance of ensuring that permitting authorities view treatment works as the primary drivers of this initiative as it moves from the conceptual to the implementation phase, and a number of combined and sanitary sewer overflow issues. Overall, AMSA applauds the Agency's efforts to take on watershed issues to further improve water quality. AMSA will continue to work with EPA on the forthcoming implementation and technical guidance documents. The Association's comments are available on its website at

AMSA Supports Senator's Amendment to Increase State Revolving Funds
AMSA, this week, sent a letter to Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Veteran's Affairs, Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies in support of her amendment to increase the Clean Water State Revolving Fund from its current funding level of $1.35 billion to $3.2 billion in fiscal year 2004. Approval of the Mikulski amendment would mark a step toward recognizing the nation's long-term clean water infrastructure funding needs, help local communities repair and replace old pipelines and plants, and protect public health and the environment. This letter is posted on AMSA's website at

  • It's not too late to register for AMSA's 2003 Law seminar, Developments in Clean Water Law, November 5-7 at the Sonesta Beach Resort Key Biscayne, Miami, Fla. For agenda, registration and other important information, visit AMSA's website at