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Friday April 25, 1997
Shuster Announces Plans to 'Revitalize' CWA This Congress
AMSA this week testified before the House Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources & Environment during the first Clean Water Act (CWA) hearing of the 105th Congress. During opening statements, House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chair Bud Shuster (R-PA) stated that his committee's "goal is to reauthorize and revitalize the [Clean Water] Act this Congress." He noted that the April 23 hearing, and another scheduled for April 29 to examine wetlands, are the first in a series of CWA investigations that the Water Resources & Environment Subcommittee will be conducting. He expected that additional hearings would likely cover nonpoint source pollution, watershed protection, and "various regulatory issues." While noting that it is not without controversy, Chairman Shuster endorsed public-private partnerships as an effective means to finance local infrastructure needs. He also stated that "we should reauthorize and adequately fund the Clean Water Act State Revolving Fund, increase state and local flexibility to use such funds, [and] target assistance to hardship communities."
AMSA Board Member Erwin Odeal, executive director of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, represented the Association and presented testimony that drew heavily on the findings of the Association's recently released 1996 Financial Survey for needs-related information. Odeal highlighted the pay-offs of investing in the national clean water program and urged Congress to continue to provide for its funding. Odeal also took the opportunity to promote the Association's goal of reauthorizing the CWA based on comprehensive watershed management principles, and linked it to the funding issue.
AMSA Seeks Further EPA Revision of WET Implementation Strategy
AMSA this week released comments on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) draft Whole Effluent Toxicity (WET) Implementation Strategy, expressing strong disappointment with the draft's failure to adhere to the conclusions of the WET Pellston Workshop and related follow-up activities. In particular, AMSA's comments criticize the agency for its plan to continue using WET testing as an enforcement tool, and for suggesting that the existing program is "scientifically sound," needing only "fine tuning," contrary to the findings of the Pellston Workshop and implementation conference. The Association is urging the agency to reconsider some of its draft positions and will discuss the issue in detail with key EPA officials during the upcoming National Environmental Policy Forum and in future meetings that will focus on opportunities to prioritize issues before the strategy is finalized.
Ø Due to an error by the Association's mailing and distribution house, AMSA member agencies may not have received the correct number of National Environmental Policy Forum Capitol Hill Reception invitations in a recent mailing. The National Office will mail additional invitations to AMSA Member Agency congressional delegations upon request by contacting Christy Kettell at 202/833-2692.
AMSA Member Agency representatives who are not planning to attend the 1997 National Environmental Policy Forum & 27th Annual Meeting are reminded to please fill out the proxy form enclosed with Member Update MU 97-9, and return it to the AMSA National Office as soon as possible.