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October 17, 1997
EPA and States Promote Nonpoint Source Control Partnerships
On October 14, EPA officially released a draft strategy titled, "Nonpoint Sources: Picking Up the Pace --- EPA's Draft Proposal Strategy for Strengthening Nonpoint Source Management". The strategy presents an overall vision that "all States and Tribes, with active assistance and participation of all stakeholders, are implementing dynamic and effective nonpoint source programs to achieve and maintain beneficial uses of water by the year 2013."
The draft strategy was released at a two-day meeting of stakeholders from leading state, federal, local and private sector groups at Wye River Island, Maryland to promote the successful implementation of nonpoint source programs. The meeting and the draft strategy are both part of a recently initiated collaborative process by EPA and the States to engage other watershed stakeholders interests with the hope of improving nonpoint source control programs nationwide. Bob Perciasepe, Assistant Administrator for the Office of Water, told participants of the Wye conference that EPA has recognized that "current efforts to control nonpoint source pollution are not enough to attain beneficial uses of waterbodies in the U.S." He also asked states and other interests to focus efforts to "do more" and "quicken the pace" of nonpoint source pollution control efforts, and hoped that long-term goals could be achieved whether or not there are future changes to the Clean Water Act.
Participants discussed the activities of their respective organizations, and their priority issues. AMSA and other municipal representatives emphasized the concept of "propor-tionate share responsibility," (i.e., assigning responsibility for loading reductions based on the proportion of current loading contributions). No consensus was reached on this issue, however, several opportunities for partnerships were discussed, such as local participation on state technical review committees, which provide a forum to discuss local issues concerning U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) funding. Additional regional meetings are planned to discuss opportunities for local partnerships.
EPA's draft nonpoint source control strategy describes a suite of programs and activities that EPA has or has proposed to initiate to help States in their efforts to control nonpoint source pollution. Highlights of some key programs and activities proposed include: 1) development of nutrient water quality standards; 2) strengthening EPA's anti-degradation policy, 3) developing air deposition reduction strategies; 4) promotion of State enforcement tools; 4) strengthening NPDES regulations for animal waste discharges; 5) strengthening urban runoff controls (through implementation of Stormwater Phase II program); and 6) revision of regulations or guidance regarding State certifi-cation for activities on Federal lands. A copy of the draft nonpoint source control strategy will be distributed to the membership via an upcoming Regulatory Alert.
25th Anniversary of CWA Recognized on October 18
AMSA will be represented at a White House ceremony recognizing the 25th anniversary of the Clean Water Act. The Association was among a group of clean water stakeholder invited to participate in the Saturday morning ceremony recognizing the success of this important environmental law.