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September 12, 1997

AMSA Celebrates 25th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act
October 18, 1997 marks the 25th anniversary of the Clean Water Act (CWA). Throughout the year, AMSA has been celebrating the anniversary -- most notably through your Clean Water Milestones in the Clean Water News and at the May National Environmental Policy Forum, Celebrating 25 Years of the Clean Water Act & Looking Ahead to the Next Quarter Century.

Now that the CWA's anniversary month is approaching, we're asking your help in preparing one final recognition of this significant event. To assist us in preparing special features for our Web site and the October issue of Clean Water News, please take a few moments to reflect upon the successes and challenges of the CWA by completing the following questionnaire. Please fax your responses to Claudine Bodin (202/833-4657) by noon, E.S.T., Thursday, September 18.

Responding Agency:

1) What do you consider to be the major achievement of the CWA during the past 25 years?

2) What do you consider to be the major challenges for the next 25 years of the CWA?

2a) What are the most effective ways to address these challenges?

2b) What are the biggest impediments to addressing these challenges?

3) Describe any special events commemorating the 25th anniversary planned by your agency.