To: Members & Subscribers From: National Office Date: February 24, 1998 Subject: SLUDGE TREATMENT PATENT INFRINGEMENT LITIGATION Reference: Legal Alert 98-1 The National Office recently added the Legal Alert to the Association's roster of publications. Legal Alerts will provide members with current news and information on on-going or pending legislation affecting the POTW community. We hope that you find the Legal Alerts to be both interesting and informative.
Attached is a brief analysis of a on-going litigation concerning a patent for stabilizing sewage sludge. Patent infringement suits have been filed in various federal courts by Frank Manchak, Jr, who owns U.S. Patent NO. 4,079,003. Mr. Manchak is suing several entities for infringement on his patent, which describes a process for mixing sludge and calcium oxide to provide a sludge product. The analysis was prepared by AMSA counsel John Distin at the request of the Association's Board of Directors during their last meeting earlier this month.