AMSA Legal Affairs Committee Meeting
WEFTEC '99 Response Form
- Legal Affairs Committee Meeting Attendance
________ Yes, I plan on attending the Legal Affairs Committee Meeting in the Galerie 1 room of the New Orleans Marriott Hotel on October 12 from 8:00 - 10:00 am. - Hotel Information
________ I will be attending WEFTEC '99 for the Legal Affairs Committee meeting only, and I would like to be part of the AMSA hotel block.
____________________ Arrival Date
____________________ Departure Date
Room preference (i.e., king bed/non-smoking room):
Credit Card #/Exp. Date:
________ I do not need hotel accomodations.
Please return completed response forms by close of business Thursday, August 19 to Robin Davis, at AMSA's National Office at:
FAX: 202/833-4657
Phone: 202/833-3280