Member Pipeline - Legislative - Alert (LA 01-04) - Tip Sheet
2001 National Environmental Policy Forum
Tip Sheet for Capitol Hill Visits
In making your appointments to meet with your Congressional Representative the following tips may be helpful:
- Obtain your member's contact information using AMSA's online service Congressional Connection which can be found on AMSA's website under the Member Pipeline section. This section is part of the "Members Only" section and uses a "User Name" and "Password" (Passwords and user names were forwarded to AMSA member agency lead representatives. Please contact your agency's representative regarding access to AMSA's Member Pipeline). You also can obtain your congressional representative's phone number using the Capitol Switchboard, 202/224-3121.
- Call your Congressperson's Washington Office and speak with their Scheduling Secretary as soon as possible.
- Explain that you will be in Washington,, DC and would like to schedule an appointment for Tuesday, May 22 between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm (or another time if you choose).
- If the Congressperson is unavailable, ask to meet with the member of his or her personal staff who handles water or environmental issues. Members of Congress rely heavily on their staffs and this will be time well spent, even if you are unable to speak with your Congressperson directly.
- Follow up your telephone call with a letter confirming the time and place of the appointment, the topics you wish to discuss and the names and title of the other AMSA member agency representatives who will accompany you to the appointment. AMSA will provide talking points on key issues such as water infrastructure funding and wet weather.
- Confirm the appointment by telephone a week or so in advance of the meeting.
- When writing to a Member of Congress, the appropriate address style is:
The Honorable _________
United States Senate
Room Number & Building
Washington, DC 20510The Honorable ___________
United States House of Representatives
Room Number & Building
Washington, DC 20515Dear Senator _________ Dear Representative _________ Please make appointments now to meet with your representative or their staff. AMSA's National Office will be contacting you to offer our assistance in setting up these appointments.