

The Honorable [Name of Senator]


Dear [Senator (Last Name)]:

On behalf of the [Name of Your Agency], I urge you to cosponsor the Mercury Reduction and Disposal Act of 2001 (S. 351). This bipartisan effort is a critical first step toward the development of a national strategy for reducing the quantity of mercury in the environment. Mercury pollution problems are not limited by state boundaries, and a thoughtful and proactive national strategy will ensure a coordinated approach and an outcome that will reduce mercury pollution in a reasonable and cost-effective manner.

[Include a sentence or two about Your Agency, service population, and communities served]

Efforts to reduce mercury levels in the environment currently underway in many states include use restrictions (product phase-outs), pollution prevention measures, and collection programs, all of which target the mercury at its source before it is disposed or discharged to the environment. These elements will play a critical role in a national strategy. However, in many parts of the country efforts to reduce mercury in the environment will also focus on controlling mercury in wastewater discharged from publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). Controls on wastewater discharges will utilize stringent water quality criteria. The application of these criteria will result in extremely low mercury discharge limits requiring POTWs to apply advanced treatment in order to remain in compliance. Unfortunately, these controls will ultimately have little impact on improving overall water quality, as a majority of the mercury in the nation’s waters stems from other sources, including atmospheric deposition.

[This section is optional, and may be more appropriate for agencies in states with active legislation or regulations on the issue] To put this in perspective, I am providing you with the following information on the potential impacts to the [Name of Your Agency] that serves the homes and businesses in [name the cities, towns and/or counties you serve]. [Fill in with any information you have about your state’s efforts to address mercury and how they will impact your agency and water quality]

A national environmental mercury compliance strategy will underscore the importance of controlling mercury at its source in lieu of imposing stringent discharge limits and facilitate the development of reasonable and, more importantly, effective state programs.

Thank you for your consideration of this information. I hope you will make a national environmental mercury compliance strategy one of your priorities this Congress and cosponsor S. 351. If you have any questions, please call me at [your phone number] or Ken Kirk, AMSA’s Executive Director, at 202/833-4653.


