Member Pipeline - Legislative - Alert (LA02-04)
To: Members & Affiliates, Legislative Policy Committee, and
Legal Affairs CommitteeFrom: National Office Date: April 26, 2002 Subject: CAPITOL HILL RECEPTION & VISITS Reference: LA02-04 Attachments: - Tip Sheet for Capitol Hill Visits (PDF ~78 KB)
- Capitol Hill Reception Flyer (PDF ~47 KB)
Action Now Please:
Capitol Hill Reception Invites
Set Up Hill VisitsAMSA’s 2002 National Environmental Policy Forum & 32nd Annual Meeting, The 30th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act...Looking to the Future, to be held May 18-22, 2002 at the Marriott at Metro Center in Washington, DC, will provide AMSA members with the perfect opportunity to participate in our nation’s legislative and regulatory processes. By bringing your expertise and concerns directly to the individuals that represent you in Congress, you have the unique ability to influence national policy making. This Legislative Alert has been developed to assist members in preparing for meetings with your congressional delegation and also in forwarding invitations to AMSA’s Capitol Hill Reception on Tuesday, May 21.
AMSA Presence on Capitol Hill Essential
This year’s Policy Forum is the perfect time to bring clean water priorities to the attention of our national leaders. Some of the most critical issues facing publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) — water infrastructure funding, emergency preparedness, and wet weather programs — are already priority topics in Congress and at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). AMSA’s Policy Forum will address these and other pressing issues that affect all POTWs regardless of size or geographic location. AMSA’s collective presence in Washington, DC will make an indelible mark on our nation’s policy makers and will ensure that our message is heard. The afternoon of Tuesday, May 21 has been set aside for AMSA members to visit their representatives and key offices at EPA national headquarters. Please make appointments now to meet with your representative or their staff.AMSA Members Urged to Invite Legislators to Capitol Hill Reception
AMSA will be hosting the Capitol Hill Reception in the Gold Room, 2169 Rayburn House Office Building on Tuesday May 21, 2001 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Included with this Legislative Alert is an invitation for you to fax to members of your Congressional delegation. We are using fax invitations this year instead of cards due to the delaying effect that new security precautions have had on mail delivery on Capitol Hill.Please fax your invitations without delay. RSVPs are requested by May 15, 2002
The reception is an excellent opportunity to informally meet with legislators. Please feel free to personalize your invitation with a note to members of your delegation inviting them to our reception. When extending your invitation, you may wish to emphasize that you will be in town for AMSA’s Policy Forum and will be contacting members of their staff to arrange a meeting.
Association Initiatives Geared to Support Member Outreach to Hill and EPA
Much is being done this year to facilitate and support your meetings on Capitol Hill and at EPA. In addition to AMSA’s May Regulatory and Legislative Updates, a Member Update in early May will provide detailed information on the Policy Forum agenda, Annual Business Meeting, and Association positions and priorities. Additional material on key legislative and regulatory issues will also be included in registration materials at the Policy Forum itself.Included with this Alert is a “Tip Sheet” developed to assist you in contacting your Member of Congress. For congressional addresses, phone and fax numbers, please refer to the Congressional Connection icon on AMSA’s Website in the Member Pipeline section. If you need additional information, please contact AMSA’s National Office at 202/833-AMSA or
To prepare for your congressional and regulatory visits we will be holding two very important information sessions. The first, the AMSA Priority Issues Briefing will take place on Sunday, May 19 from 3:15 - 4:45 pm. The Briefing will update you on the latest developments regarding AMSA’s priorities. The second session, the Legislative Breakfast on Tuesday, May 21 from 7:30 - 8:45 am, will feature congressional committee staff discussing the outlook and possible action on key environmental issues important to AMSA members.
Thank you for all of your work to advocate for the clean water community! We look forward to seeing you in May!
- Tip Sheet for Capitol Hill Visits (PDF ~78 KB)
- Capitol Hill Reception Flyer (PDF ~47 KB)
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