
AMSA Legislative Alert LA03-3

Member Pipeline - Legislative - Alert (LA03-3)

To: Members & Affiliates
Legislative Policy Committee
Legal Affairs Committee
From: National Office
Date: December 19, 2003
Reference: LA03-3
Action Please By: January 16, 2004

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AMSA has received a request from the leadership of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee to provide them with suggested improvements to the loan process under clean water state revolving loan fund (SRF) programs. The Committee is drafting water and wastewater legislation, to be introduced early next year, which will increase funding to the SRFs for water and drinking water infrastructure and to make changes to how the federal funding is administered through the state programs.

Identification of SRF Problems and Proposed Solutions

The EPW Committee has received testimony over the past two years that has indicated that municipalities have found the SRF loan process to be time-consuming, complicated, cumbersome, and inefficient. As a result, a variety of stakeholder groups are being asked to identify specific weaknesses and problem areas in the loan application process and to suggest specific remedies to make the program more efficient. The EPW letter specifically requests the following information:

  • a description of the problem,
  • an example of where the problem has occurred, and
  • suggested changes with a description of how the recommendation will improve the SRF application process.
The letter is available online at:

List of Modifications Due to AMSA by January 16, 2004

AMSA requests that members send their suggestions by Friday, January 16, 2004 to AMSA's Lee Garrigan at Responses will be compiled and a set of recommended changes will be forwarded to the EPW Committee the week of January 19.

For further information regarding this request, contact Lee Garrigan at the above email address or by phone at 202/833-4655.