
To: Members & Subscribers
From:National Office
Date:April 11, 1997

Capitol Hill Reception & Visits

AMSA's 1997 National Environmental Policy Forum & 27th Annual Meeting will provide you with the perfect opportunity to meet with members of your Congressional delegation. This Legislative Alert has been crafted to assist you in preparing for these visits and also fowards invitations to AMSA's Capitol Hill Reception, which will be held on Tuesday, May 6 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm.

AMSA Members to Invite Legislators to Capitol Hill Reception

AMSA will be hosting a Capitol Hill Reception at the Columbus Club in Washington, DC's historic Union Station on May 6 from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Included with this Legislative Alert are three reception invitations provided for you to personalize and mail to members of your Congressional delegation.

Please use the correspondence sheet included with each invitation to send a personal note to members of your Congressional delegation inviting them to our reception. When extending your invitation, you may wish to emphasize that you will be in town for the AMSA Forum and will be contacting members of their staff to arrange a meeting. This is a great opportunity to meet informally with legislators. Please send your invitations without delay. AMSA members requiring additional invitations should contact Christy Kettell (202/833-3692) at the National Office. RSVPs are requested by April 30, 1997.

Capitol Hill Visits Offer Opportunities to Encourage Action

As noted, time has been set aside in the Forum agenda for you to meet with your Senators and Representatives on Tuesday afternoon, prior to the Reception. AMSA members are strongly encouraged to write or call their state's delegation in Congress as soon as possible to schedule a meeting for Tuesday afternoon, May 6. Members should refer to montly Legislative Updates for information on pending legislation and AMSA's actions. Additional information will be included in your meeting registration packets. Should you require additional information, please contact Christy Kettell at the National Office (202/833-3692).

AMSA 1996 National Environmental Policy Forum

Preparation for Capitol Hill Visits

In making your appointments to meet with Congress the following tips may be helpful:

  • Personalize and mail your letter of introduction, which follows, as soon as possible.

  • Call your Congressperson's Washington Office and speak with their Appointments Secretary to schedule your appointment. The number for the Capitol Switchboard is 202/224-3121.

  • Explain that you will be in Washington and would like to schedule an appointment on Tuesday, May 6 between 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm (or other time if you choose).

  • If the Congressperson is totally unavailable, ask to meet with the member of his or her personal staff who handles Clean Water or environmental issues. Members of Congress rely heavily on their staffs and this will be time well spent, even if you are unable to speak with your Congressperson directly.

  • Follow up your telephone call with a letter confirming the time and place of the appointment, the topics you wish to discuss and the nates and titles of the other AMSA member agency representatives who will accompany you to the appointment.

  • Confirm the appointment by telephone a week or so in advance of the meeting.

  • When writing to a Member of Congress, the appropriate address style is:

The Honorable __________ The Honorable __________

United States Senate United States House of Representatives

Washington, DC 20510 Washington, DC 20515

Dear Senator __________ Dear Representative __________

AMSA Letter of Introduction to Members of Congress

(to be put on your agency/authority letterhead)

Dear __________:

As [your title] of the [your agency/authority name], I have responsibility for implementing the national clean water program in [name of your city]. Daily, members of my staff and I carry out the initiatives and mandates set forth in the Clean Water Act, and other environmental statutes, with our shared goal of continued environmental protection and improvement. Our efforts have certainly produced some laudable results. Currently, the [your agency/authority name] provides wastewater collection and treatment services for [# of people] in [State name for Senators/Congressional District for Representatives].

[You may wish to include additional information about our agency here -- recent awards, accomplishments, riverfront revitalization projects, etc.]

As an environmental practitioner, I am writing today with three purposes in mind. First, to introduce myself. Second, to offer my expertise and that of my organization as a technical resource to you and the members of your staff. And, lastly, to initiate what I hope will be an ongoing dialogue with you regarding issues of importance to both of us as Congress considers significant environmental legislation.

[If attending AMSA's National Environmental Policy Form & 26th Annual Meeting]

I plan to be in Washington, DC on May 3-9, 1997 for AMSA's 1997 National Environmental Policy Forum and 27th Annual Meeting. I hope your schedule will permit you to meet with me at that time. I'll call to schedule an appointment in the coming weeks.

I look forward to meeting you in May.
