Action Please By: July 3, 1997
To: Members & Subscribers From: National Office Date: June 11, 1997 Re: LA97-3 AMSA's Legislative Working Group
To better support the Association's lobbying efforts, AMSA is establishing a Legislative Working Group comprised of the AMSA member agencies with representation on the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee and the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee. Members of the Working Group will receive bi-weekly updates on Hill committee activities and developments and may be called upon by the National Office to contact their Representatives on behalf of the Association to discuss important issues and offer expertise as frontline environmentalists.
Included with this Alert is a draft of the membership for the Working Group based on research done at the National Office. Please review this information carefully and contact Christy Kettell at the National Office with any changes (202/833-3692) by July 3, 1997. Because the service areas of AMSA members are often spread out over large areas, it is difficult for us to certain of which agencies line up with which Representatives' districts. Thank you for your assistance and we look forward to working with you all to promote AMSA's legislative and regulatory agendas.
If you have any questions about the formation of the Legislative Working Group or any AMSA legislative initiatives, please contact Paula Dannenfeldt (202/833-4654) or Christy Kettell (202/833-3692).
ATTACHMENT: Draft membership for the Working Group (Please call AMSA's National Office at 202/833-AMSA for a copy of this document).