Members & Affiliates
Wet Weather Issues Committee
Water Quality CommitteeFrom:
National Office
February 8, 1999
LA 99-2
ACTION PLEASE BY: February 22, 1999
Attached, please find the final draft version of the Urban Wet Weather Watershed Act of 1999 for your review and comment. This draft bill has been modified based on your comments and suggestions, as well as the feedback from our legislative partners. We appreciate your efforts in reviewing the earlier draft bill. We made every effort to incorporate your thoughts and suggestions into the final draft. Before finalizing the bill for introduction to Congress, we are interested in any further comments you may have on the draft bill. In order to help facilitate our introduction of this bill at the earliest possible time, please review the attached draft bill and submit comments by no later than Monday, February 22. We apologize for the unusually abbreviated review deadline.
The draft bill is already gaining momentum as members of Congress and various committees are beginning to learn of its development. Our partners in this effort, the National League of Cities, the National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies, the National Association of Counties, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the American Public Works Association, WEF, and the CSO Partnership, are fully supportive of the bill at this stage. AMSA members and affiliates attending the Winter Conference in Phoenix, Arizona last week discussed the draft bill during the Wet Weather Committee and Legislative Policy Committee. As AMSA moves towards finalizing this bill, your indication of support and any ideas for improvement are critical.
Please feel free to contact Greg Schaner, Manager of Government Affairs at 202/296-9836 if you should have any questions. Your comments should be addressed to Greg Schaner and can be mailed, faxed (202/833-4657) or sent by e-mail ( Thank you in advance for your review and comment on the attached draft bill.