

Members & Affiliates


National Office


March 26, 1999


Legislative Policy Committee Membership


LA 99-4

Action Please By: April 21, 1999

In February AMSA's Board of Directors revised its policy regarding the Association's Legislative Policy Committee. The Committee structure will now parallel that of the Regulatory Policy Committee, with Board members serving as Chair and Vice Chair, and the membership made up of interested public member agencies. This change acknowledges the fact that although the Legislative Policy Committee has been a standing committee of the Board of Directors, we have consistently benefitted from the participation of a great number of interested and active AMSA member agencies.

We invite you to join AMSA's Legislative Policy Committee today.

We are looking for motivated volunteers who are excited about becoming active in the legislative arena and will be able to consistently participate in the Committee's initiatives such as regular meetings at AMSA conferences, conference calls, strategy sessions and ad hoc meetings. Participation in AMSA's Legislative Policy Committee offers a unique opportunity to directly influence national legislation and help AMSA achieve its objectives on Capitol Hill. AMSA's legislative agenda touches on all issues affecting the POTW industry. This year we are primarily focusing on infrastructure funding, urban wet weather and nonpoint source issues; however, our participation in the legislative process brings AMSA members into play with a much wider sphere of issues.

We hope you, or a member of your staff, will give serious consideration to joining AMSA's Legislative Policy Committee. To do so, please complete the attached Member Volunteer Form and fax to AMSA, c/o Greg Schaner at 202/833-4657 by Monday, April 19. Please contact Greg at 202/296-9836 or by email at if you would like to find out more about the committee or its initiatives.