
June 1998 Click Here for previous updates

Clean Water Act Reauthorization

No listings to date.

Potential Clean Water Act Amendments and Region-Specific Initiatives

H.R.2207Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Amendment
H.R.2547Oceans Act of 1997
H.R.2823National Urban Watershed Model Restoration Act
H.R.3232Farm Sustainability & Animal Feedlot Enforcement Act
H.R.3238Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Amendment
H.R.3445Oceans Act of 1998
H.R.3793Animal Waste Research Act of 1998
S.1213Oceans Act of 1997
S.1321Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Amendment
S.1323Animal Agriculture Reform Act
S.1923Federal Facilities Clean Water Compliance Act Of 1998

Clean Air Act Amendments

H.R.3690Clean Air Common Sense Act
H.R.3791Omnibus Mercury Emissions Reduction Act of 1998
S.1915Omnibus Mercury Emissions Reduction Act Of 1998

Biosolids Management/Other Interstate Transportation Initiatives

H.R.2654Solid Waste Disposal Act, Amendment

Endangered Species

S.1180Endangered Species Habitat Protection Act of 1997

Energy and Electricity Reform

H.R.655Electric Consumers' Power to Choose Act of 1997
H.R.859Plumbing Standards Improvement Act of 1997

Enforcement - Environmental Crimes

No significant action to report.

Funding and Innovative Technology Initiatives

H.R.3180Innovative Environmental Strategies Act of 1997
H.R.3866Water Resources Development Act of 1998
S.C.R.86Resolution Setting for the Congressional Budget for Fiscal Years 1999-2003
S.1480Harmful Algal Bloom Research and Control Act of 1997
*S.2131 Water Resources Development Act of 1998
*S.2168Departments of VA, HUD & Independent Agencies Appropriations Act of 1999


S.1173Intermodal Surface Transportation Act of 1997
H.R.2400Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act of 1997

Superfund & Related Clean-up Legislation

H.R.2727Comprehensive, Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
H.R.2750Superfund Cleanup Acceleration and Liability Equity Act
H.R.3000Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980
H.R.3595 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation And Liability Act Of 1980
S.8Superfund Cleanup Acceleration Act of 1997
S.1224Federal Facility Superfund Compliance Act of 1997
S.1317Environmental Health Protection Act of 1997
*S.2084Coastal States Protection Act
H.R.1878Moratorium on Enforcement of CERCLA Against De Minimis Parties
H.R.2087Polluter Pays Act of 1997
H.R.2485Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, Amendment
H.R.3262Children's Environmental Protection and Community Cleanup Act of 1998
S.1386Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
S.1497Equity and Public Involvement in Superfund Act of 1997

Safe Drinking Water Act

No significant action to report

Miscellaneous Environmental Initiatives

H.R.2556Wetlands and Wildlife Enhancement Act of 1997
*H.R.3968Year 2000 Computer Problem Assessment
*S.981Regulatory Improvement Act of 1997
*S.1364Federal Reports Elimination Act of 1997
S.1677North American Wetlands Conservation Act Reuathorization Act of 1998
S.1728Federal Regulatory Risk Assessment Act of 1997
S.1730Federal Program Sunset Review Act of 1998

Abbreviated Listings

Potential Clean Water Amendments & Region-Specific Initiatives

H.R.455Long Island Sound Restoration Act
H.R.550Nonpoint Source Pollution Prevention Act of 1997
H.R.640Agricultural Lands Protection Act of 1997
H.R.1290Wetlands Restoration and Improvement Act of 1997
H.R.2094Beaches, Environmental Assessment, Closure and Health Act of 1997
H.R.2138Municipal Biological Monitoring Use Act
H.R.2222Federal Facilities Clean Water Compliance Act
H.R.2415Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendment
H.R.2670Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendment
H.R.2762Wetlands and Watershed Management Act of 1997
S.917Beaches, Environmental Assessment, Closure and Health Act of 1997

Biosolids Management/Other Interstate Transportation Initiatives

H.R.289Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, Amendment
H.R.942 Solid Waste Disposal Act, Amendment
H.R.943Municipal Solid Waste Flow Control Act of 1997
H.R.1346State and Local Government Interstate Waste Control Act of 1997
H.R.1358Interstate Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste of 1997
S.443State and Local Government Interstate Waste Control Act of 1997
S.448Solid Waste Disposal Act, Amendment
S.463Solid Waste Disposal Act, Amendment

Enforcement - Environmental Crimes

H.R.277 Environmental Crimes and Enforcement Act of 1997; Environmental Crimes Training Act of 1996
H.R.1453Clean Water Enforcement and Compliance Improvement Act of 1997

Funding and Innovative Technology Initiatives

H.R.712 National Infrastructure Development Act of 1997
H.R.806National Clean Water Trust Fund Act of 1997
H.R.1276Environmental Research, Development and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1997

Intermodal Surface Transportation & Efficiency Act and Other Transportation Proposals

H.R.1268National Economic Crossroads Transportation Efficiency Act of 1997
H.R.1533National Initiative on Surface Transportation and the Environment Act
S.532Surface Transportation Authorization and Regulatory Streamlining Act
S.586ISTEA Reauthorization Act of 1997

Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments

H.R.2032Safe Drinking Water Act, Amendment

Potential CERCLA (Superfund) Amendments

H.R.1409Brownfield Economic Revitalization Act of 1997
H.R.1206Brownfield Cleanup and Redevelopment Act
H.R.1395Brownfields and Environmental Cleanup Act of 1997
H.R.1462Brownfield Cleanup and Redevelopment Revolving Loan Fund Pilot Project
H.R.3020Brownfields Reclamation Act of 1997
*H.R.3627Brownfield Community Empowerment Act

Miscellaneous Environmental Initiatives

H.R.1209Defense of the Environment Act of 1997
H.R.1711Small Business Remediation Act of 1997
H.R.1506Community Environmental Equity Act
H.R.1404Defense of the Environment Act of 1997
H.R.1506Community Environmental Equity Act
H.R.1636Children's Environmental Protection and Right to Know Act of 1997
H.R.2293Environmental Litigation Abuse Prevention Act of 1997
S.599Children's Environmental Protection Act
S.769Right-to-Know More and Pollution Prevention Act of 1997
S.866Environmental Protection Partnership Act of 1997

Legislation Enacted into Public Law During 105th Congress

H.R.2158Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act of 1998
H.R.2203Energy and Water Development Appropriations, 1998