AMSA Bill Digest
October 2000
(Current as of November 13, 2000)
The AMSA Bill Digest provides up-to-date summary information for legislation introduced in the 106th Congress. The specific listings include bills which are receiving considerable attention or which are of particular importance to AMSAs membership.
This Digest provides a direct linkage to Congressional legislation through AMSAs web site, allowing members to instantaneously track bills of interest. A complete summary and status of any of the listed legislation can be found in the web version of the Legislative Update. The most recent Update, with the attached Digest, is posted in the Whats New section of AMSAs website ( The complete text of the bill, as well as detailed status information, can be accessed by double clicking on the bill name. The Digest is linked to the Library of Congress "Thomas" site located at Copies of legislation, committee reports and status reports can be downloaded from the site free of charge. Past issues of the Legislative Update can also be found on the AMSA website in the Member Pipeline - Legislative Update section.
The up-to-the-minute status of any of the legislation listed in the Update can be obtained by calling: U.S. Congress, Legislative Status Office at 202/225-1772. For any questions regarding AMSAs position on or activities related to any specific bill, please contact Greg Schaner at 202/296-9836 or by e-mail
The sections covering the Clean Air Act Amendments, Endangered Species,
Superfund/CERCLA/RCRA, Safe Drinking Water Act, Environmental Crimes & Citizen Suits,
and Municipal Issues Sections have been removed due to a lack of bill movement - these
sections will return with the 107th Congressional Session in January 2001.
Clean Water Act & Other Water Quality Issues
Consideration of
H.R.2328, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendment (HRES468) REYNOLDS(R-NY) Status: Passed House
Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 2328) to amend the
Federal Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize the Clean Lakes Program.
Weather Water Quality Act of 2000 (H.R.828),BARCIA
(D-MI) Status: Unanimously approved by House Transportation &
Infrastructure Committee on September 28; Negotiations ongoing regarding placement of bill
text in appropriations bill
A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to require
that discharges from combined storm and sanitary sewers conform to the Combined Sewer
Overflow Control Policy of the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. 66
Environmental Assessment, Cleanup and Health Act of 1999, (H.R.999) BILBRAY
(R-CA) Status: Became law on October 11
A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to improve
the quality of coastal recreation waters, and for other purposes. 10 Cosponsors.
Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Amendment (H.R.1237) SAXTON
(R-NJ) Status: Passed the House, Received in the Senate - Referred
to Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works
To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to permit grants for
the national estuary program to be used for the development and implementation of a
comprehensive conservation and management plan, to reauthorize appropriations to carry out
the program, and for other purposes. 36 Cosponsors.
Water Pollution Control Act, Amendment (H.R.2328), SWEENEY (R-NY) Status: Passed House, received in Senate, referred to Senate Environment &
Public Works Committee
A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to
reauthorize the Clean Lakes Program. 6 Cosponsors.
Zone Management Act of 1972, Reauthorization, (H.R.2669), SAXTON (R-NJ) Status: Reported to floor on November 18, 1999; S. 1534 is
basis for further negotiations
A bill to reauthorize the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, and for other purposes.
Wet Weather Priorities Act of 2000 (H.R.3570) LATOURETTE(R-OH) Status: Provisions incorporated into H.R. 828 (see related summary)
To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to establish
nationally consistent requirements for controlling urban wet weather flows, to provide
additional funds to municipalities to meet those requirements, and for other purposes. 4
Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendment,
(H.R.3670)OBERSTAR(D-MN) Status: Referred to House Transportation
and Infrastructure, Water Resources & Environment
A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to
reauthorize the Great Lakes program, and for other purposes. 16 Cosponsors
of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984 (H.R.4132) DOOLITTLE (R-CA) Status: Became law on October 27
To reauthorize grants for water resources research and technology institutes established
under the Water Resources Research Act of 1984. 31 cosponsors.
Resources Development Act of 1999 (S.507), WARNER (R-VA) Status:
Became law August 17, 1999
A bill to provide for the conservation and development of water and
related resources, to authorize the Secretary of the Army to construct various projects
for improvements to rivers and harbors of the United States, and for other purposes. 6
Environmental Assessment, Closure, and Health (BEACH) Act of 1999 (S.522) Status: Provisions incorporated into H.R. 999 (see related summary)
A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to improve
the quality of beaches and coastal recreation water, and for other purposes. 13
Estuary Habitat and Chesapeake Bay Restoration Act of 2000 (S.835)
CHAFEE (R-RI) Status: Became law on November 7
A bill to encourage the restoration of estuary habitat through more
efficient project financing and enhanced coordination of Federal and non-Federal
restoration programs, and for other purposes. 22 cosponsors.
Sewer Overflow Control and Partnership Act of 1999 (S.914), SMITH, ROBERT C.
(R-NH) Status: Committee hearings completed; H.R. 828
provisions are basis for further negotiations (see related summary)
A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to require
that discharges from combined storm and sanitary sewers conform to the Combined Sewer
Overflow Control Policy of the Environmental Protection Agency, and for other purposes. 16
Zone Management Act of 1999 (S.1534), SNOWE (R-ME) Status:
Passed Senate on September 28, Received in House - Referred to House Transportation &
Infrastructure Committee
A bill to reauthorize the Coastal Zone Management Act, and for other
purposes. 1 Cosponsor.
Water Pollution Control Act, Amendment (S.1730), CHAFEE(R-RI) Status: Passed Senate on March 27, 2000; Received in House
An original bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to
provide that certain environmental reports shall continue to be required to be submitted. 1
Government Reform
Small Business Paperwork
Reduction Act Amendments of 1999(H.R.391), MCINTOSH (R-IN) Status: Passed House Referred - Senate Government Affairs
A bill to amend Chapter 35 of Title 44, USC, for the purpose of
facilitating compliance by small businesses with certain Federal paperwork requirements,
to establish a task force to examine the feasibility of streamlining paperwork
requirements applicable to small businesses, and for other purposes.
Right-to-Know Act of 1999(H.R.1074), BLILEY (R-VA) Status:
Passed House. Referred - Senate Government Affairs
A bill to provide Government-wide accounting of regulatory costs and
benefits, and for other purposes. 49 Cosponsors.
Regulatory Improvement
Act of 1999 (S.746), LEVIN, CARL (D-MI) Status: Reported out
of Committee
A bill to provide for analysis of major rules, to promote the
public's right to know the costs and benefits of major rules, and to increase the
accountability of quality of Government. 21 Cosponsors.
Truth in Regulating Act
of 2000 (S.1198), SHELBY (R-AL) Status: Became law
A bill to amend Chapter 8 of Title 5, United States Code, to provide
for a report by the General Accounting Office to Congress on agency regulatory actions,
and for other purposes. 14 Cosponsors.
Biosolids Management/Interstate Transportation Initiatives/ Solid Waste Disposal
Transportation and Infrastructure Reports
Restoration Act of 2000 (H.R.4052) Shuster (R-PA) Status: Passed
House, received in Senate
A bill to preserve certain reporting requirements under the
jurisdiction of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of
Representatives, and for other purposes. 1 cosponsor.
Energy & Electricity Reform
Plumbing Standards
Improvement Act of 1999 (H.R.623), KNOLLENBERG (R-MI) Status:
Did not pass subcommittee
A bill to amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to eliminate
certain regulation of plumbing supplies. 107 Cosponsors.
Funding & Appropriations
Clean Water Infrastructure
Financing Act of 1999 (H.R.2720), KELLY (R-NY) Status:
Committee Hearings Completed
A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to authorize
appropriations for State water pollution control revolving funds, and for other purposes. 100
Bay Restoration Act of 1999 (H.R.3039), BATEMAN (R-VA) Status:
Passed House, received in Senate and placed on legislative calendar
A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to assist in
the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay, and for other purposes. 16 Cosponsors.
Housing and Urban Development FY 2001 Appropriations Bill
(H.R.4635) WALSH (R-NY) Status: Became Law
Making appropriations for the Departments of Veterans Affairs and
Housing and Urban Development, and for sundry independent agencies, boards, commissions,
corporations, and offices for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, and for other
Estuary Habitat and Chesapeake Bay Restoration Act of 2000 (S.835) CHAFEE (R-RI) Status: Presented to President
A bill to encourage the restoration of estuary habitat through more
efficient project financing and enhanced coordination of Federal and non-Federal
restoration programs, and for other purposes. 22 cosponsors.
Clean Water
Infrastructure Financing Act of 1999 (S.1699), VOINOVICH (R-OH) Status: Hearings completed
A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to authorize
appropriations for state water pollution control revolving funds, and for other purposes.