Member Pipeline - Member Services & Information - Update (MU04-17)
To: | Members & Affiliates |
From: | National Office |
Date: | October 25, 2004 |
Reference: | MU 04-17 |
Member Update 04-16, described AMSA’s new Strategic Plan ( and its core purpose of being the leading advocate for responsible national policies that advance clean water and a healthy environment. The Plan identifies scientifically and economically informed environmental policy; visionary and results-oriented leadership embracing innovation and diverse input; environmental stewardship; fiscal responsibility; integrity and credibility in all we do; collaboration as an effective strategy; and, continuous professional development as the Association’s core values for the future.
In addition to this core purpose, and associated core values, AMSA’s Strategic Plan identifies five key goal areas and strategic objectives for each. This Member Update highlights these critical components of the Association’s new Strategic Plan for your consideration. They are as follows:
Goal Area: Legislative/Regulatory Advocacy
Ensure that clean water policies, laws, and regulations are funded and
based on valid science, economic feasibility, public health, and environmental
benefit as a result of AMSA’s advocacy program.
Strategic Objectives:
- Increase opportunities to work with other clean water, environmental, and public health partners.
- Increase sustainable sources of infrastructure funding.
- Increase visibility and access to regulators and legislators.
- Increase the level of political involvement of members and ratepayers.
- Emphasize the importance of rigorous science and sound economic analysis in laws, policies, and regulations.
Goal Area: Valid Science
Ensure that AMSA’s research priorities are recognized as national
priorities for funding.
Strategic Objectives:
- Promote increased funding for clean water related research.
- Increase the use of independent peer reviewed research to support AMSA’s regulatory and legislative agenda
- Increase AMSA’s influence in setting the research agenda of the Environmental Protection Agency, Water Environment Research Foundation, National Science Foundation and other research organizations.
- Increase the effectiveness of Targeted Action Funds (TAF).
- Increase the connection between research and the regulatory driver.
- Increase participation of AMSA members in federally-driven clean water research and demonstration projects.
- Increase the practical application and communication of the research results to policy makers, members, managers, and the public.
Goal Area: Public Education & Outreach
Ensure that AMSA promotes public understanding of the environmental
services and benefits, and their relative costs, provided by clean water
agencies within their communities.
Strategic Objectives:
- Improve AMSA member understanding of current public opinion.
- Improve AMSA member understanding of the need for public education regarding clean water agencies.
- Increase AMSA member training in how to create public education and awareness.
- Increase public education opportunities within local communities.
Goal Area: Utility Management
Ensure that AMSA supports its members’ implementation of improved utility
management practices by providing high quality (timely, affordable, accessible,
and relevant) information and education.
Strategic Objectives:
- Improve AMSA’s understanding of member’s information and education needs.
- Increase relevance and accessibility of educational and informational offerings.
Goal Area: Member Services
Ensure that AMSA membership achieves broader industry representation and
increased member participation.
Strategic Objectives:
- Increase the number of states and congressional districts represented in AMSA’s membership.
- Increase the number of small and medium-sized utility members.
- Increase participation through traditional and non-traditional sources.
- Increase participation focusing on non-active members, staff of active members and new career professionals.
AMSA Soliciting Member Input on Strategic Plan/Name
As AMSA continues to move forward with the implementation of its
Strategic Planning Initiative the National Office staff is contacting
Association members to facilitate input regarding both the new Strategic Plan
and the proposed change in the Association’s name to the American Clean Water
Council (
AMSA’s Board of Directors is very interested in any comments members may have
regarding the new Strategic Plan and the proposed name change. We look forward
to speaking with each and every AMSA member between now and Thanksgiving – and
to sharing the perspectives that members provide with the Association’s Board as
we work collectively to ensure our future success.