To: Members & Subscribers From: National Office Date: August 5, 1997 Subject: 1997-1998 Position Statements Reference: MU 97-17
Enclosed please find a copy of AMSA's 1997-1998 Position Statements. The Position Statements represent the Association's stance on legislative and regulatory water quality protection issues with a special emphasis on watershed management as the most effective tool to achieve the nation's water quality goals. New to this year's edition is a statement addressing the privatization of wastewater facilities. "Evaluating Privatization of Clean Water Agencies" recommends careful evaluation of the environmental, public health, financial and other ramifications of privatizing POTWs.
The statements were approved by voice vote by the membership during the annual meeting, following the recommendation of the Positions Workgroup, which reviewed comments submitted to the National Office by AMSA's committee members and full membership. Special thanks are due to the leadership of AMSA's Regulatory Policy and Legislative Policy committees, who served as the Association's Positions Workgroup and effectively sheparded this annual undertaking from beginning to end. They are William L. Pugh, Public Works Director, City of Tacoma, WA; Robert P. Miele, Head, Technical Services Department, County Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County, CA and Kumar Kishinchand, Water Commissioner, City of Philadelphia Water Department, PA. Thanks are also due to the leadership of AMSA's special committees, and member agencies across the nation, who provided thoughtful insight and recommendations as these statements were under development.
Copies of the statements will be forwarded to members of the Congress following the August recess, as well as to Environmental Protection Agency officials and others in the environmental community. They are also featured on our Web Site,http:\\ .
We hope that you will find these useful as we continue to pursue our shared goals of improved environmental quality and further protection of public health.