Action Please By: March 28, 1997
To: Members & Subscribers From: National Office Date: January 9, 1997 Subject: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS, GOLD AND SILVER AWARDS Reference: MU 97-1 AMSA Gold and Silver Awards have been presented for the past 10 years at AMSA's annual meeting. The awards program, recognizing achievement in meeting NPDES permit requirements, has honored growing numbers of AMSA member agency facilities since its inception in 1987.
In 1997 AMSA continues the Gold and Silver Awards Program to recognize member agency achievements for treatment results for the calendar year 1996. The awards will be announced during AMSA's National Environmental Policy Forum & 27th Annual Meeting, May 3-7, in Washington, DC., and certificates will be mailed in early May. Award-winning facilities will also be showcased in the June edition of the AMSA Clean Water News.
The attached survey form has been prepared for member's use in reporting on the operation of their facilities and will be used to determine those treatment facilities that meet the criteria for Gold and/or Silver Awards. The criteria for each award is as follows:
Gold Award -- No NPDES permit violations for 1996
Silver Award -- Not more than five NPDES permit violations for 1996
(Facilities must provide at least secondary treatment, or advanced primary treatment with a 301 waiver, and have a capacity of 2 mgd or greater.)
If the survey form is not adequate to show all permit requirements and discharge results, a separate tabulation should be included to show compliance with the NPDES permit. For example, if the permit has daily or other limits, the tabulation should list these and indicate the number of violations.
MU 97-1
January 9, 1997
Please provide the requested plant performance and permit limits information even if you choose to also provide a summary of the number of violations for each facility. The performance and permit data will be used to provide a graphic representation of AMSA Members' outstanding performance during the annual meeting and in the AMSA Clean Water News.
The completed form and a copy of the NPDES permit discharge requirements should be returned by March 28, 1997, to:
George D. Barnes 1122 Zimmer Drive Atlanta, GA 30306
Feel free to contact George Barnes at 770/451-5079, extension 420, with any questions you may have regarding completion of the attached form. Questions specific to the awards presentation should be directed to James Moye, at the AMSA National Office, 202/833-4651.
Please contact AMSA's National Office at 202/833-2672, for a copy of the 1996 Gold/Silver Application.